mighty hornet

The HMIC!!
ESPNU showed both games yesterday.

And those refs that called the women's game need to be shot. :smh::smh:
Their bias bordered on the ridiculous.
I guess they had decided that SU would win it from the line and they set out to let them do it.
Foul after foul after foul :smh::smh:

In the 2nd half, if anybody got near Monroe, a foul was called. :(
(I'll give it to her, she was draining those FTs. )

It's way past time that these officials call the game fairly. (or even somewhere close to fair)
Cause it shole didn't happen yesterday.

but in spite of having to play in the face of the stacked odds, Freda's young team played well.
The big girl from SU (Lewis) had a good game too.

Don't know what it says about SWAC men's bball, but the women's game was FAR more exciting. (even with the refs "working" their agenda)

As for the men's game, it seemed that the crowd wasn't into it. But the showing on the floor wasn't good at all. The score was just 20-15 with a minute to go in the 1st half. Del State-Hampton was playing a much more exciting game on ESPN Classic

it is what it is. And it was shameful how those refs called that game.

After the game, ASU head coach Freda Freeman-Jackson uncharacteristically criticized the officials.

"I thought we had a great game plan, and that our girls did a good job," Freeman-Jackson said. "It's just a shame that we weren't given an opportunity to win the game. The officials dictated the outcome of this game. We weren't given an opportunity to win this game."

Freeman-Jackson's biggest issue was with the disparity in the number of fouls called in a game involving two teams with similar styles and equally aggressive play.

ASU was whistled for 27 fouls and watched the Lady Jaguars shoot 32 free throws. At the other end, Southern was called for just 16 fouls and the Lady Hornets got to shoot just 17 free throws.

"See, that's almost double," Freeman-Jackson said. "That's not right. There's no way in a game like this that there should be that big of a difference. The game was played the same at both ends. Both teams were aggressive. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not asking somebody to give me a game. But I sure don't expect somebody to take one from me, either."

Not surprisingly, Southern head coach Sandy Pugh didn't see the problem.

"I thought the officials did a pretty good job," Pugh said. "There were some things. But overall, I thought it was called pretty well."

The foul calls caused ASU serious trouble.

Forward Latille Ross, who scored 18 points in Friday's semifinal win, picked up two fouls early in the first half and had to spend long stretches on the bench. So did forward Dominique Rowe and center Danielle Sanders.

And center Nedra Thomas had three fouls.

The foul trouble forced Freeman-Jackson to shuffle players in and out. And it allowed Lady Jaguar center Fredrieka Lewis to control the lane. But it didn't help Southern score.

After a dreadful offensive performance from both teams in the first half, Southern took a 21-18 lead in at the break.

In the second half, both teams heated up -- ASU from the floor and Southern from the free throw line.

With 18:30 minutes to go, the Lady Hornets took their first lead, 24-23, since the opening minute.

Southern, however, took it right back. And then kept it.

While the Lady Jaguars never led by more than seven, they also never trailed again.

Not that Robinson didn't provide ASU with plenty of chances.

The sophomore guard, who was selected to the all-tournament team, turned in a 12-point second half, which included three big 3-pointers, and almost single handedly allowed ASU to hang around.

"We just didn't get it done," Robinson said. "We had a lot against us. I think the officials should've let us play the game. It would've been a good one. It didn't frustrate me. I don't get frustrated out there. They should've just let us play."

With less than a minute to go, freshman Tashia Holston helped out, too.

Holston's two free throws with 40 second to go cut Southern's lead to four. After the Lady Jaguars were called for a foul while trying to inbound the ball, Holston knocked down a 3-pointer to cut the lead to one with 33 seconds to go.

But there was Monroe and her perfect free throw shooting. She hit four in the last 24 seconds to wrap things up.

Holston led ASU with 17 points, while Robinson had 13.
Hey MH.......we know about the Jordan rules since we are fans of MJ.

Maybe the SWAC decided POTY Monroe deserved to have the Monroe rules. It happens. Just like it does with Duke and JJ Redick and so on and so on. We know SWAC refs aint the best by no means..........but just wait until the NCAA's start. Say SU plays Duke in the first round. I bet you money that all any of our have to do is sneeze at Redick and he will be at the free throw line. Is it fair. No........but it is what it is. I am going to say what others say when a star player gets the calls..... they have earned it. Monroe is a 4 time All-SWAC performer if I am not mistaken and definitely been in the best guard in the SWAC for the last 3 years. But hey if you think ASU was robbed I guess they were.
JR said:
Is it fair. No........but it is what it is. I am going to say what others say when a star player gets the calls..... they have earned it. .
I disagree with that line of thinking.

Just call the game fair, regardless of what players are on the court.
(I remember back when I was in the NBA......naw, I'll save that story for another day)
I saw the game........MH is just repeating what a wounded coach said. S.U. just kicked their azz. The refs could not save them fromMs. MVP Lewis dominating the post neither Ms MVP Monroe from her stellar free throw performance. The Lady Jags are simply SUperior.
sorry JROCK,
but I could tell the job that was going on while it was happening.

btw, Robinson drained those treys and got fouled AND knocked to the floor on 'em too. Not a foul called yet.

but a simple look in Monroe's direction and a foul was called.

Freda and her girls got robbed.
mighty hornet said:
sorry JROCK,
but I could tell the job that was going on while it was happening.

btw, Robinson drained those treys and got fouled AND knocked to the floor on 'em too. Not a foul called yet.

but a simple look in Monroe's direction and a foul was called.

Freda and her girls got robbed.

Freda and her girls got their azz kicked in their own backyard. :lol: :emlaugh:
Well MH. When we played yall in Montgomery,AL. Riley Smith was knocked down several times and they didnt call nothing so your point is........OK nothing!!!!!!!!
I am not going to post a gripe here. Hats off to the SU ladies and their win against Bama State. I will say that we see this all the time in the SWAC. Inconsistencies with bad calls from the refs. I was there and saw everything from courtside. The refs let the ladies play in the first half. The big girls on the inside were very aggressive against each other (Lewis & Thomas, Lewis & Rowe) fouls should have been whistled on both ends but in the second half, the same thing was happening and now all of a sudden the whistles are blown...more so on Bama State. There were some calls that were questionable and there were some that were missed...on both ends. Suck it up, move on and play the game. Would it have made a difference if the foul count wasn't 27-16? Who knows? I will say that one of the most critical plays that the refs got it wrong on was the play when Coleman was defending Monroe on the inbounds play and she hit the ball off of Monroe's leg to go out of bounds. Coleman was whistled for her 5th foul. I didn't witness that from black and gold glasses but I was on the floor and I saw it first hand. It's 59-58 at that point. Would something have fallen in ASU's favor? Who knows? I wish both the men's and women's team the best of luck.
BNGguy said:
I am not going to post a gripe here. Hats off to the SU ladies and their win against Bama State. I will say that we see this all the time in the SWAC. Inconsistencies with bad calls from the refs. I was there and saw everything from courtside. The refs let the ladies play in the first half. The big girls on the inside were very aggressive against each other (Lewis & Thomas, Lewis & Rowe) fouls should have been whistled on both ends but in the second half, the same thing was happening and now all of a sudden the whistles are blown...more so on Bama State. There were some calls that were questionable and there were some that were missed...on both ends. Suck it up, move on and play the game. Would it have made a difference if the foul count wasn't 27-16? Who knows? I will say that one of the most critical plays that the refs got it wrong on was the play when Coleman was defending Monroe on the inbounds play and she hit the ball off of Monroe's leg to go out of bounds. Coleman was whistled for her 5th foul. I didn't witness that from black and gold glasses but I was on the floor and I saw it first hand. It's 59-58 at that point. Would something have fallen in ASU's favor? Who knows? I wish both the men's and women's team the best of luck.


Ro had her SECOND terrible game in as many days and the opponent couldn't capitalize on it.

But I know you're just as tired of the "refs cheated" thing as I am. We ALWAYS say the refs/umps are horrible no matter the sport.
Your right Journ. Ro shot sloppy from the court in the 1st half and SU was still winning. Dreka didnt pick up many fouls. Dreka played her game and she played how she was suppose to. :nod: Your gonna see aggressive play from your post players. :nod: look at Courtney Paris from OU. :nod:
pbla said:
Let it go. The tournament is over. Only four more hours or so for the Brackets to be announced.
PBLA I cant wait. Im gonna record it incase I forget it. :nod:
MH what you think about that ghost called they gave the Hornets when Ro was running the clock out and nobody could catch up with her/ There were 14 sec. left and that fat @ss lady ref blew the whistle against your Hornet with Ro two feet away from the defender to give your Honret another possession.

Just wondering what your whining @ss thought about that. And why weren't you at the game? MD was.
