Stock market analysis is SOOO overblown.


Brand HBCUbian
,,,,, ok so is that I am now bored with war/politics smack,,, so now I'm the Wallstreet broker/analyst in da box. :lecture:

You know,,, what's with the incessant stock market analysis and hand ringing by all the pundits and so-called experts??? :confused: That whole thing has got to be the greatest scam going. I mean,,, give me a freaking break!

It's like EEEEEEEEEEEVERY freaking day some idiot is on the tube puntificating about how the markets will react to:

  • A bee flying from point A to point B
  • A nat dieing
  • Water levels in the rivers rising and falling.
  • Clouds forming over silicon valley and dissuading workers from taking longer breaks, thus working more and producing more lines of code.
  • Dogs farting more because of being fed cheaper dog food.
  • Grass growing.
  • ,,,, (i think you get the idea,,,)

ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! :vomit:

This country KILLS me analyzing every little thing TO DEATH!!!!! HOW DA FUGG CAN ANYBODY PREDICT WHAT THE MARKET IS GOING TO DO??!!! And give me a break with all this blaming the market slumps on the war already; now these same pundits are saying "uuuh,, well,, the war really doesn't matter and may not bring the markets back". NOOOOO????

Look folks,,, i'm no business major or,,, accountant with a CPA orr,, business owner,,,, but THINGS WILL NOT CONTINUE TO GO UP AND UP AND UP AND UP INDEFINITELY!!! THERE WILL BE CORRECTIONS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! :mad:

All the inflated stocks will wash out,,, the solid stocks will be left standing,,,, and the market, over time, will gradually recover and rise.

It's just like big old trees in the south going through weather year-round; they can sprout new limbs as fast or slow as they want,,,, but sooner or later high winds, maybe ice and snow will test them and get rid of the weak ones!! This is not rocket science, so why must the pundits sit up EVERY DAY and get everybody all lathered up on rather the markets will go up or down or up or sideways or bear or bull,,, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! :rolleyes:

Some of you business-economics majors or stock market investors help me out here,,, correct my view on this,, am I over-simplifying it??,,,:confused:
The Stock Market

The stock market is essentially probability at its best. No one can accurately predict the market but by some chance your research is the best you will probably win big. I t is about research and analyzing situations when it comes to the stock market. Some people put to much emphasis on income statement and balance sheet analysis. What you need is combination of income statement, cash- flow and balance sheet as well as future business prospects from a company or institution.

Re: The Stock Market

Originally posted by mr. suave
What you need is combination of income statement, cash- flow and balance sheet as well as future business prospects from a company or institution.

Where can you find this info? Basically if you got an inside track, you probably have an upper hand big time seems to be the bottom line (,,, or if you are an Enron or HealthSouth).