So yall had a baby shower....


The Phat Mack
...but I'll be dayum if all the participants didn't show up!! You know, I may have to change my name to Sugestradamas, because I told you people this would happen. yeah I remember months ago when yall were all hype and looking for plane tickets and all you chics were talking about "see you in Fouston, girl" and about how much fun you were going to have. I mean I know yall have to remember that? Well Ole Suge told yall then that half of you were just bumping your gums and that there is no way that yall all were going to be there and all that female comraderie would soon be out the door, and dammit if I wasn't right!

Did anyone from outside the state of Texas even show up? But hey yall had fun anyway......but its okay, I knew how it would go down anyway, but yall told Sugestradamas he was a lie and was just trying to start some isht! Well I may have been trying to start some isht, but hey, at least I wasn't a lie!!

Why are you posting about an event that happened over a week ago?
Could it be that you are just trying to redeem yourself?

You are a Week late and a Spoon short!

Mind your own business, because the spoon you save
may be your own. The last time you got bent, the next
time you'll get broken.

*plastic spoons send help!*

The Pres-O-Dent-Tress has spoken!
No one else even needs to respond to this trash.....


You are right, some of us who wanted to come, didn't make. Let's see:

Trina was in the airport waiting for her flight and had to be rushed to the emergency room, but thankfully she did not lose her baby and is doing great. Just 3 weeks of bedrest so she can get little Trey here ON TIME.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

NeNe didn't make it because her wisdom teeth caused so much pain and were bleeding and she had to have all four pulled.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

I didn't come because my friend's 13 year old daughter was raped, became pregnant in June and told me about it the day before the shower and I had to tell her parents and then she attempted suicide the day before the shower. I thought maybe I should stay here, given the grave nature of the situation.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

Other folk money got funny and they couldn't come, but all in all we still are celebrating the impending births of Big Man and Sugar Mama. And as is appropriate, we have all shipped gifts and regrets to our dear friends.

So yeah you right, some of us didn't go and your point was made. Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Seeing Spots
You are right, some of us who wanted to come, didn't make. Let's see:

Trina was in the airport waiting for her flight and had to be rushed to the emergency room, but thankfully she did not lose her baby and is doing great. Just 3 weeks of bedrest so she can get little Trey here ON TIME.

NeNe didn't make it because her wisdom teeth caused so much pain and were bleeding and she had to have all four pulled.

I didn't come because my friend's 13 year old daughter was raped, became pregnant in June and told me about it the day before the shower and I had to tell her parents and then she attempted suicide the day before the shower. I thought maybe I should stay here, given the grave nature of the situation.

Sorry to hear that. Trina, you're all right?
While I ignore Suge

Blacknbengal, I am doing fine. Two weeks of bed rest was like punishment. I couldn't do anything or go anywhere. I was allowed to come back to work on yesterday but with major restrictions. Now, if I could just get the little one to raise up off my bladder, I'd be doing even better. :D :cool:

Thanks for asking. :tup:
Re: While I ignore Suge

Originally posted by kellis
Blacknbengal, I am doing fine. Two weeks of bed rest was like punishment. I couldn't do anything or go anywhere. I was allowed to come back to work on yesterday but with major restrictions. :D Now, if I could just get the little one to raise up off my bladder, I'd be doing even better. :cool:

Thanks for asking. :tup:

That's the baby's way of saying "I want to be a BULLDOG! Now sign the scholarship papers!"

Glad you're feeling better.
Can I ask why you choose to show your disinterest by starting TWO threads on the same topic, Sugar?

Are you mad because you haven't had the opportunity to have a baby shower? We can throw you one, just because, if you want ...
Why bother?

I can't say that with any certainty that any of us gives one whole rat's ass what Suge's catty ass thinks.

*shrugs shoulders*
Originally posted by Seeing Spots
You are right, some of us who wanted to come, didn't make. Let's see:

Trina was in the airport waiting for her flight and had to be rushed to the emergency room, but thankfully she did not lose her baby and is doing great. Just 3 weeks of bedrest so she can get little Trey here ON TIME.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

NeNe didn't make it because her wisdom teeth caused so much pain and were bleeding and she had to have all four pulled.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

I didn't come because my friend's 13 year old daughter was raped, became pregnant in June and told me about it the day before the shower and I had to tell her parents and then she attempted suicide the day before the shower. I thought maybe I should stay here, given the grave nature of the situation.

Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny.

Other folk money got funny and they couldn't come, but all in all we still are celebrating the impending births of Big Man and Sugar Mama. And as is appropriate, we have all shipped gifts and regrets to our dear friends.

So yeah you right, some of us didn't go and your point was made. Yuck Yuck Yuck that's really funny. :rolleyes:

Wow. :( Hope everything worked out for everyone. Get that rest K!

"L", I was gonna' make an appearance until I got held up in Nacogdoches @ a family reunion.
I was gonna go, too. But then my pet snail stepped in some salt. My bunyuns started to hurt. And then my lil cuz'n, Tracy, baby sister, Keisha's, best friend, Sharon's, brother, Karl called and said that my boy Tee's, mother's sister on her dad's side, Stephanie, had to take her son June Bug's baby mama Nicole's son, Kijuan to the Pediatrician for constipation.

Too much drama going on for me to be hanging out in Fouston.

To borrow a much used phrase from you Nita, I did it because I wanted to. But even more important than my want, was the fact that I was right! And I just luuuuuuuuuuvvvvv being right! All I said was that everyone wasn't going to show up, and dammit everyone didn't. I wasn't the one that said who, what, and when why anyone didn't show up. I didn't even ask why, I just said that I was right about what I predicted, and frankly, I just like being right! Hell you could had a bible study meeting planned,a nd this post would be titled "So yall had a bible study." As long as I was still right. So if you or anyone else has a problem with me being right, again..............well I think we all know where the rest of this is going.

And as things are 95% of the time. I shole was right! :D

Sugetradamus has spoken.
Yes, Suge, you were right, just as you always are.

Now, if you could just WANT to STFU talking (or talk to your dayum self), that would be good ...
The color of my toes...

When I got my last pedicure, I got this chiffon pink color by China Glaze. Next time, I think I might get a different color like a soft rose. These people do such a great job with my pedicures.
Ya know, I've already got my bags packed for the hospital. I put them in my car on Tuesday, I think. I put the baby's car seat in too. I figured that everywhere I will be, my car will be also. So if I go into labor all my stuff is already in the car. I can just call Mike and tell him to meet me at the hospital. At work, I have at least 2-3 co-workers who I will call to drive me to the hospital if the pain is too severe. I think I can make it though. They say first time mom's will probably arrive at the hospital early anyway. We'll see.
Yeah Nita I Could STFU, but that just wouldn't be like me. Besides, its more fun talking to others.

And I'm not always right, just 95% of the time. Nothing is 100%, not even birth control pills and condoms. Or the sun shining every day....
I heard there was a huge water spout down in Florida this week. The one I saw on TV was larger than one of Miami's skyscraper buildings. I guess those are common in the part of the country.
These reality shows are really beginning to suck. I'd like them to bring back some regular canny sitcoms that we're all used to.