So, What Did You Do This Weekend???


I'm curious to know how everybody spent their weekends, since we had no sports to partake in. With the idea that we should spend this past weekend mourning and reflecting on life, I wonder what we all did.

I went to a high school game Friday night. Had a great time and cheered my arse off for the home team, who won with 8 seconds to go. Great time had by all. Then went out and ate and talked about fast cars and loose women. Saturday I did some yard work, bought a few DVDs, and went to a pool party that night. Again, I had a great time and did little reflecting on life while doing it. I didn't go to church Sunday, but instead attended a family gathering with my in-laws. Did more work around the house. Watched the movies I bought. All the while I wished I had football to watch.

One thing I didn't do was watch any more coverage of the attack. I've had my fill.

Anybody else care to share their weekend.
Did some yard work.Washed down the front of my house(getting rid of those mildew spots!!!!) Took my Jeep and Toyota to get the oil change.Beat the brakes off my son..................................
at Playstation of course;)

went to church and sent up some special prayers for the victims at the WTC and Pentagon
We celebrated Mike's birthday.

I picked up my sister-in-law from the airport as a surprise for Mike's birthday which was Sunday.

Mike and I attended the Saturday service at our church where our pastor who had just returned from visiting President George. W. Bush exclamed "Make no mistake about it. We are at war!"

We took Mike to eat at Pappadeaux's. I also took Mike to Pappa's BBQ on Saturday...or was it Friday?

We picked up our wedding pictures where I had to hold Mike back from knocking the photographer out. :D

We went to the outlet stores in Conroe, where again I had to hold Mike back from beating down an Arab who took my parking space. :D

Ohhh yeah, Saturday we ate breakfast at LePeeps off 59 & Shepard where I had to hold Mike back from trick slappin' this "girl" in a Black Grand Jeep Cherokee because she was angry at us for cutting her off. :D

We had an eventful weekend! :D

P.S. Friday we saw Two Can Play That. :D
Not too much on my plate

Friday I took it easy and listened to some new CD purchases. Now that I have all of my stuff delivered from the big move, I feel a lot better. I talked to Mike and Kema and I told Mike to let me have a ring side seat from when he was going to knock out the photographer. I would've preferred this type of actiono as opposed to having the photographer run around trying to avoid the red dot that would be chasing his arse.

Saturday I moved some boxes around and cleaned my place up a bit. I peeped out the Alfred Dunhill store in the Galleria and I picked up a couple of smooth stogies, one of which was smoked with pure delight as it was accompanied with some Remy Martin (you know he's my cousin) VSOP. Then I checked out a couple of movies with some of my peeps, and then I crashed.

Sunday I got my personal reflection on and then proceeded to put my bed together and move the rental furniture out of the way, before heading to Mike and Kema's crib, where I turned up some ripple in honor of his 236th birthday.

But I sure do miss football :(
Mike don't ever drink anymore Red on your Birthday.

Spent Saturday getting ready for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Omega Community Center and Fraternity House. The dedication will be held Sunday, 23 Sep 01 at 3:00p.m. Everyone is invited. It took us about 40 years to get the nerve to buy a building and we would appreciate it if you all can attend.

The Omega Center will seat about 400 people, and we are looking forward to working with the community.

On Sunday I went to Church and after Church I picked up some Gospel Bird.

Then I read Lewis Smack which is not so good lately.
My w/e was quite painful

I had a damn root canal on Friday night and it has kicked my b-e-h-i-n-d all w/e long....still kicking it today and probably will for the next few days to come.

I did rent 4 movies tho....couldn't really enjoy them since I was sleeping off an on.

Didn't watch much more of the "Attack on America" coverage....I've had about enuff for now.

Didn't attend church Sunday, was too drugged up and was in entirely too much pain.

So there you have it....Dtown's w/e was a drag.:(

1. Washed Truck
2. Took 220 TO I55 to 240 E and landed in Memphis
3. Learned that the game had been canceled.
4. Drank on about a 1/2 gallon of Crown with my Roaddog (#1)
5. Passed Out


1. Bought Beer and Dvds
2. Sat at Hotel and drank said Beer.
3. Wished I had brought my Dvd player with me.
4. Checked out a local scholorship dance competion on Lamb.
5. Drank Beer and wished I had brought my Dvd player with me.


1. Drank Beer
2. Ate Breakfast
3. Went to local Mall
4. Drank Beer
5. Passed Out.
6. Drank Beer.
7. Went Driving
8. Ate Dinner
9. Drank Beer.
10. Toured an establishment with my roaddog (#2)
11. Drank Beer.


1. Wish I had not drank all the Beer.
2. Packed my bags
3. Took 240 W to I55 S
4. Washed my Truck
5. Sat down,
6. Watched Baller Blockin' Dvd
7. Passed Out

Originally posted by MightyDog
Mike don't ever drink anymore Red on your Birthday.

MD, I was not drinking Red! :D That's off limits to me. Plus, they don't sell it over here.

Well, I started my weekend by cutting the grass Friday morning. After which, I got my shower on and drove Big Blue to get her bath. Then I went to my barber to get my "So Fresh and So Clean" on. While there, we watched my pastor deliver the prayer in Washington for the visual ceremony. I called Kema back (She called while SF&SC was in progress) and decided to meet her for lunch where we traded vehicle. :idea: Took the Rodeo to get a bath.....doin' a hunnerd!:emlaugh: Came home and took a nap. Later went out to see "2 can play that Game". (See Kema's comment about other couple).

Saturday morning I got up and did a little shadow boxing, as I prepared to go pick up our pictures from the Photographer that didn't show up at our wedding, but sent his dayum partner (Late) instead. Got to the studio and tried to remain calm, until the Jack-arse tells me that he can only take off 65 dayum dollars. :mad: I tell him... well we won't go into that. But we get our proofs and leave. Kema tries to ease the stress by taking me out to breakfast. Well, on the way to the place this dumb broad starts blowing her horn because we got over in front of her. So, I roll down the window and told her (At the Stop-light that we all were stopped by) "if you would leave earlier for your destinations your trifling arse wouldn't have to be in a rush to get to the Red-light! She flips me the bird and I motion like I was about to get out. :D She drove off faster than a MoFo! Had a wonderful Breakfast (licks lips thinking about Blueberry Pancakes). Drove home and got my Nigraitis on! Later on we went to 6pm saturday service where our pastor told us about what he saw.

Sunday I took my arse to work and looked at Fox Family channel, cause we had not one game to put on air. Took down a few coaches shows that really were all about the WTC. Then, my sister surprised me with an early arrival for my Birthday! :D Went to the Conroe Outlet centers after work and then to Pappadeaux for some seafood delicacies! ;) Phatus Backus came over to the crib as we took down some Yine! He left and I took my old arse to bed.

Ps. I forgot to mention that I recieved my certificate for completion of Stress Management Class with Resource International. (They pay me not to Stress out at work):emlaugh:

Watched the Memorial Service at The National Cathedral.

Went to Jasper's (Restaurant in Greenbelt, MD) laughed, ate, got my drank on, and got my stare on with all of the booties.....I mean beauties.......dayum beauty booties in that spot.


Had a football fix, I couldn't shake.
Went to Wal Mart from some brick a brack
Went to Circuit City, and purchased some DVD's
Spent an hour trying to get the DVD to work on my new set (Don't laugh, I bought a TV, with all of the Menu Items in French)
Went to Zanzibar (local club), and made a complete arse out of myself, can you see me dancing for 2 hours str8? I know, I can't believe it myself.


Woke up around 1:00, head banging, legs, feet, and back hurting from all of that dancing, and Moet drinking Saturday night.

Looked at the DVD's I purchased, because there was no football to watch.

Nothing Exciting

Drove 10 hours from St. Louis to Baton Rouge on Friday.

Did a lot of yard work on Saturday and wished all day long for football. Went to Blockbuster and rented a few DVD's. Didn't watch much. Fell asleep from all of the work earlier in the day.

Went to church on Sunday and finished watching the movie I started on Saturday night. Slept like a rock on Sun. night.
Went to the Conroe Outlet centers
What'chall doin' in that part of the country? LOL :D

My weekends have been "interesting" over the last 5 weeks, but, to sum it up: Saturday, the in-laws were in town, so, I had to do my darnest to stay out of the crib. Played ball in s. Dallas for 3 hours; afterwards, went to several places to look at a new gas range to replace this dumbfounded thing that almost blew up last Fri :rolleyes:, gas'd up every 4 wheel vehicle on the property followed by dinner w/ the family. Sunday morn - didn't do church as me and little Panthro are confined @ home for a while; we did some pre-K school work for a couple of hours after breakfast, followed by exterior home painters coming by to rewalk what happens Wednesday - this was followed by a talk and review of the plans w/ the builder for this detached garagey that's about to be built over the next few weeks (weather permitting), early dinner w/ the family, followed up w/ maintenance work (washing, waxing, and recovering my personal toys). Before bed, spent the better part of 3-4 hours working scenarios on how I could screw this guy out of his '67 convertible corvette :emlaugh: that he's started to restore which I JUST saw some 1-1.5 hours ago :emlaugh:. Surely I can find SOMETHING to offer him other than money to trade for it w/out losing too much. LOL

In essence, still the same uneventful weekend since being confined @home.
Re: LMAO!!!!!

Originally posted by Mike

Ps. I forgot to mention that I recieved my certificate for completion of Stress Management Class with Resource International. (They pay me not to Stress out at work):emlaugh:

I think that's just the company's investment to keep the workers (or is it just Mike?) from going Postal up in there! :D
Big Dawg!

I was in the Manager's Class. So, I got taught how to deal with the peons that get stressed. Oops! I didn't mean to call the folks peon.......:idea: well that's what they used to call me when I was in their position.
My weekend....

I caught up on some much needed sleep Friday.

Saturday: saw two movies (Hardball and Two Can Play...) followed by dinner.

Sunday: church and since no NFL...hit the gym and later, cleaned house.

In between everything, checked CNN to see if any more survivors were found....trying to keep some hope. :goodbad:
Friday; went to Outback in VA and had a Gecko and hot wings with three ladies.

Saturday; went to frat meeting in downtown DC and had my truck broken into by a crackhead (dummy stole my change cup and CDs)

Sunday; chilled, watched two episodes of "Brothers" and had a nice dinner in VA with the same three ladies.

Today: Went back to the Madness at work to see if we are ready to Bomb someone.
<b>Friday:</b> Prissssssyyyyy_1 and I participated in the candlelight vigile at 7:00p.m. Then we went to IHOP to get our grub on and then went to see "Two Can Play That Game."

<b>Saturday:</b> Went to the parents house, ate them out of house and home. :D Went to my sorority meeting. Came back to the parent's house and visited with my family and sister that drove in from Dallas for the weekend. Came back to my place and cooked and entertained for some friends. Crashed!!!

<b>Sunday:</b> Went to church. Washed, conditioned, and set my hair. Went <b>back</b> to my parent's house, did laundry and ate them out of house and home.....again. :D Returned to my place. Worked on a project for the J-O-B, then got ready for bed.

Drove from Dayton, OH to Huntsville, AL, because the dat-blame airport was still closed. Packed the car for the game in Memphis. About to leave when I learned it was cancelled, got mad sat down, got up, cut the yard, showered, waited on my wife to get home from work, went to Applebee's to eat dinner with wife, talked smack with a frat brother from A&M, went home watched a movis.

Saturday: Drove to Columbus, MS to see my new-born niece, she drove me crazy crying. Hung out with family. Went to carnival with big sis. Just another weekend.
I believe so MD. Since I didn't have to go to the game, I didn't wash until Sunday...LOL...just kidding. I washed it bright and early Saturday morning.

Friday: Worked...worked...worked. Ordered Pizza and chicken wangs...fell out.

Saturday: Wash arse!!! Visit my Mom and Grandma. Missed an important meeting at my home church. Slept...slept...slept! Checked the web to see what HBCU game that was not cancelled.

Sunday: Went to church. Visit another church. Went home and slept some more.

Am i Too Late????
Well Friday, I Worked. Came home and had a fever of 101. Well, I got under the Cover (Blankets for you Northern Folk) and Sweated all that mess out of my system.
Saturday, Felt Great. God is Good. I Got up. Jumped in the Shower. (Remembered that earlier post, so i had to throw this in.) Went to the Barber shop and Got that Fade worked on. (Special Note: Every Man Must Get that Fade Worked on Once a WEEK. Get your Hair Detailed.) Went to work for an hour.
Sunday, Went to Church. (Told you God is Good). Turned around and celebrated Prince Hall Day. It was held at my church. After all of that i went in to work for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Went home and went to sleep.

that is All. Remember, Support your local Barber and Get that Fade tighten up.