Skip Bayless accused of sexual harassment, offered $1.5 million for sex

Damn, those white dudes I was listening to on the way to the house from the game said this chick was very attractive.
$1.5 million attractive???
Magic Johnson No GIF by MOODMAN
Sounds like you speaking from experience.
I got friends in high places who talks about this. Plus I've been in corporate America since 1992. There isn't anything I haven't seen. This one white chick I worked with for 14 years went for an associate engineer to now VP of directions for the largest DoD company in America in no time.They call her the Engineer Slayer. That's what the white boys call her. She went from 45k to 300k with stock options. She had relationships with at least 6 of those upper management and a baby by one which carried her to the top. I also saw a high yella blk woman from a HBCU get to go get her MBA from Vanderbilt paid for by one of those white managers all while being on the clock not coming in but once a month getting paid her full salary. The Bible is full of real life. Just like it's in the Bible it happens in life. I got some former coworkers on here to believe.e they can vouch for it. 😂 An yes is I could find a white woman to sell this lil spoon of mines to I'd do it too. 😂 I learned folks have morals for what they want to have it for. 😂
After reading the court documents, this is text book sexual harassment. I worked in management in corporate America and we had to complete sexual harassment training every 2 years. Human Resources and Legal are working overtime to determine scope and people involved. It clear to me that:
1. This a corporate culture issue
2. This case will be settled without going to court
3. Victims and their lawyers will be highly compensated
4. People will be terminated
All Joy did was sell a lil cooter cat 😺. One thing I respect Becky Becks for is they go for the gusto when selling it. These sistas be giving it away to a dude driving a 84 Cutless with smoke coming out the pipe then say they're the prize and know their worth.....

Well Joy is 1/2 white so she learned from that side as well lol