Shani Davis-First Olympic Winter Gold Medal

cat daddy

Active Member
Davis Does It His Way, and Makes History

By PAUL NEWBERRY, AP National Writer 9 minutes ago

TURIN, Italy - Shani Davis knew what he was doing. Davis became the first black to win an individual gold medal in Winter Olympic history Saturday, capturing the men's 1,000-meter speedskating race. "I'm one of a kind," Davis said, fully aware of how much he stands out in the mostly all-white sport.

Joey Cheek made it a 1-2 American finish, adding a silver to his victory in the 500.

Davis vindicated his decision to skip a new team event so he could focus on his individual races ? even if it drew racially charged messages to his personal Web site, "people saying they hoped I would fall, break my leg, using the n-word."

Chad Hedrick, skating the weakest of his individual events, put up an early time that stood until Davis bested it in the 19th of 21 pairs with a clocking of 1 minute, 8.89 seconds.

Four other skaters passed Hedrick as well, leaving the Texan in sixth place ? still an impressive showing considering he was skating the 1,000 for only the seventh time in his career.

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It is good to see Davis win a Gold. I love to see us African-American Brothers come out the box and win in a event that we are not suppose to win medals in. I would love to see more of us in the Winter Olympics, Soccer, Lacrosse and Swimming events.

Huge props to Shani Davis. :tup: :tup: :tup:
Well you guys should tune in Tuesday night when Davis goes up against Chad Hedrick. NBC is doing everything it can to make drama out of this. Cause ain't nobody watching the Olympics.
Jaguar94 said:
Sidenote: Vonetta Flowers, the sister from Alabama who is the 1st African American to win a gold medal in the winter olympics . . .

I'm glad you pointed that out Jaguar94.

People are getting a little confused because Shani Davis is the first African American to win individual gold.

Just wanted to further clear that up. :tup:
Von starts her event tomorrow I do believe. And this sista is so fine, sexy too. But even more than that she is just a wonderful person. But she is so fine :hat:
SAME OLD G said:
Well you guys should tune in Tuesday night when Davis goes up against Chad Hedrick. NBC is doing everything it can to make drama out of this. Cause ain't nobody watching the Olympics.

You know they got to do something to boost ratings. So they are trying to play the brother against the white guy. I guess they will say Good vs. Evil and you know who will be evil.;)
Deuce said:
I'm glad you pointed that out Jaguar94.

People are getting a little confused because Shani Davis is the first African American to win individual gold.

Just wanted to further clear that up. :tup:

Wasnt that in two women bobsled?
Croft84 said:
Wasnt that in two women bobsled?

I believe so, but Vonetta is still the first African American to win an Olympic gold medal.


Whether she was on a two-woman team or a two hundred-woman team, she is still the first. And Shani is due his props for being the first African American to do it as an individual. :tup:

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And he has the NERVE to be wearing a D@M White Sox cap on the stand. FOCKER!!!!!! :angry: :lol: :lol: :lol :lol:

Oh yeah, he did the right thing. Whitey was just mad because he needed the brother's help obtain his personal goals and didn't cooperate. Now he is considered by them to be a malcontent. The brother got HIS gold medal

I am proud of the young man...cause if the situation would have been reversed and Chad Hedrick's MAIN event (i.e. the event he qualified in) would have been the day after the team skate...would he have competed???

And IF Davis would have competed in the team skate and then LOST the event he is there to WIN, the media would be saying he should have rested...

darned if you do, darned if you don't...

they are just trying to get people to watch before the women's figure skating events rev up...
Check this out...... you want me to skate with the TEAM, so you can win another Gold.
Now is't that personal....... ?:bump:
Davis vindicated his decision to skip a new team event so he could focus on his individual races ? even if it drew racially charged messages to his personal Web site, "people saying they hoped I would fall, break my leg, using the n-word."
SONNY said:
fugg them Crackers.

Do you Black man!!!!
My sentiments exactly...:lol:

and, as far as the comments on his website...Who GAF???? what's so damn surprising about that? :rolleyes: That's the first and only word that comes out of "their" mouths, as soon as they have a problem w/one of "us". Piss one of em off, at work, good'll see what they call you. :emlaugh:

Sounds pretty typical, to me.