Seeking Arrangement: College Girls and Sugar Daddies


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"Over the past few years, the number of college students using our site has exploded," says Brandon Wade, the 41-year-old founder of Seeking Arrangement. Of the site's approximately 800,000 members, Wade estimates that 35 percent are students. "College students are one of the biggest segments of our sugar babies and the numbers are growing all the time."

Wade identifies clients who might be students on his site by a .edu email address, which the site verifies before it will allow a profile to become active. Currently, 82,510 profiles on the site contain one or more of the following keywords: school, college, university, money for school, student debt, college debt, tuition or college expenses. Wade says 110,126 women and 25,363 men list "student" as their occupation.

Wade rewards students who use a .edu email address to register on Seeking Arrangement by automatically upgrading their free, basic membership to a premium membership, allowing them to send unlimited free messages and granting them exclusive access to the site's cadre of VIP sugar daddies. The site also includes a complimentary stamp on student profiles, certifying them as a "college sugar baby."
Taylor doesn't explicitly refer to what she was doing in Greenwich as prostitution, but she now allows that her primary motivation was, indeed, money. She and her host ended up in his bedroom, where he peeled off her bikini.

"I just wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as possible," recalls Taylor, forcing out a nervous smile. "I just wanted to get out of that situation as safely as possible, pay off my debt, and move on."

While she and her host hadn't agreed to a set amount of money, on the drive back to the train station in Greenwich he handed her $350 in cash. She pocketed the envelope, seeing it as decent money for half a day's work. But once on the train and no longer worried for her safety, she started to agonize over what she had just done.

"I never thought it would come to this. I got on the train and I felt dirty. I mean, I had just gotten money for having sex," says Taylor, who never heard from the guy in Greenwich again. "I guess I accomplished what I needed to do. I needed the money for school. I just did what needed to be done."

And she's still doing what needs to be done. With tuition due in September to pay for her last semester of college, Taylor's back on the hunt for other, more lucrative online hookups.
While sugar babies can create profiles on Seeking Arrangement free of charge and a regular sugar daddy membership costs $50 each month, Jack pays $2,400 a year to belong to the Diamond Club. For a sugar daddy willing to pay up, the site says it verifies his identity, annual income, and net worth and then ensures his profile gets the most traction by continually allowing it to pop up in the top tier of search results.


"Most of these young women have debt from school," says Jack, who finds most young women also carry an average of $8,000 in credit-card debt. "I guess I like the college girls more because I think of their student debt as good debt. At least it seems like I'm helping them out, like I'm helping them to get a better life."
lol I read this yesterday. This has been going on for a longgggggggggg time even before the site though.
Yep. I know. That was my point.

I thought it was interesting that they've taken it to the internet. People call those who set up these deals in person "pimps". Are these website owners pimps also?
Cold blooded this site is run by an Asian pimp, boy they think of everything and some of these chicks want $20,000 a month? :smh:

Dude said his site had 800,000 members who pay at least $50 per year.

Hmmm ....

800,000 x $50 = $40,000,000. Forty million dollars. Per year. At least forty million dollars because some of the dudes pay more.
The tech era way for a hooker to make money without standing on a street corner or having a pimp. Call these girls in the story and others like them what they are............Prostitutes.

Somebody call the women of Spellman so they can protest something REAL instead of a damm rap video. :smh:

It could be argued that a lot of women are sleeping with men to get their bills paid. Some folks call them wives. Girlfriends. Call it what we want, the bottom line is sex for money whether directly or indirectly. :noidea:

At what point does it become "prostitution"? Online? Or only when you have pimps and ho's on the street? The act is the same.

It could be argued that a lot of women are sleeping with men to get their bills paid. Some folks call them wives. Girlfriends. Call it what we want, the bottom line is sex for money whether directly or indirectly. :noidea:

At what point does it become "prostitution"? Online? Or only when you have pimps and ho's on the street? The act is the same.

Please...............I have always laughed at that comparison. :lol:
The wives and girlfriends you talking about are fugging one person that they intend to build a life with, not every mofo that flash some cash and a dick.

It becomes prostitution when the same woman take dick after dick on a daily basis for money by different sexual partners that she don't know about other than a 30 second introduction. It becomes prostitution when that woman relies on this form of employment everytime a bill is due..........TUITION.

Hell of a difference in a woman screwing her husband/boyfriend and a woman that don't GAS about anything except final payment for spreading her legs. No connection, no feeling, no nothing other than getting paid.
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Hmmm ....

So, an escort who works a job and only sleeps with one wealthy man wouldn't be a prostitute in your book.

That's good to know.

Hmmm ....

So, an escort who works a job and only sleeps with one wealthy man wouldn't be a prostitute in your book.

That's good to know.


lawd. :smh:
Not playing the "to wet" to understand game today.
Comprehend what I said any way you want. :tup:

And BTW:
Anybody that tell you their job is being a paid "escort" is a prostitute.
No if, ands, but's or other explainations needed.
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lawd. :smh:
Not playing the "to wet" to understand game today.
Comprehend what I said any way you want. :tup:

And BTW:
Anybody that tell you their job is being a paid "escort" is a prostitute.
No if, ands, but's or other explainations needed.


I'm not trying to be argumentative. Not this time.

But, what if she's a real escort? What if she goes on dates with guys and gets paid for it, but doesn't sleep with them? Are you saying that doesn't happen?

I'm not trying to be argumentative. Not this time.

But, what if she's a real escort? What if she goes on dates with guys and gets paid for it, but doesn't sleep with them? Are you saying that doesn't happen?

Dude, you, me and everyone on this board knows what prostitution is. Fuggin' for cash, plain and simple. No sense in throwing in these "what if's".
So, y'all are saying these women are prostitutes and the site owner is a pimp. No questions asked.

Please...............I have always laughed at that comparison. :lol:
The wives and girlfriends you talking about are fugging one person that they intend to build a life with, not every mofo that flash some cash and a dick.

It becomes prostitution when the same woman take dick after dick on a daily basis for money by different sexual partners that she don't know about other than a 30 second introduction. It becomes prostitution when that woman relies on this form of employment everytime a bill is due..........TUITION.

Hell of a difference in a woman screwing her husband/boyfriend and a woman that don't GAS about anything except final payment for spreading her legs. No connection, no feeling, no nothing other than getting paid.

I guess you didnt factor in the women that date, marry or fukc with a man solely for the purpose of getting in his pockets. They may not be knockin down random dudes, but the premise is one in the same. It's esy for a lot of these chicks to "SHOW" love as long as they're getting what they want. A lot like strippers will sit o your lap and make you feel like the most special man in the world as long as you're spending money.
I guess you didnt factor in the women that date, marry or fukc with a man solely for the purpose of getting in his pockets. They may not be knockin down random dudes, but the premise is one in the same. It's esy for a lot of these chicks to "SHOW" love as long as they're getting what they want. A lot like strippers will sit o your lap and make you feel like the most special man in the world as long as you're spending money.

That is exactly what they do in the Atl. :lol: Pimping hoes and slamming Cadillac doors. :pimp: