Ron Artest time off for a Rap Album

In all honesty, I really feel bad for him. I just saw his interview on ESPN...the one where he's in the truck sitting in the rain. There was one statement he made that struck a cord with me. He said that he eventually wants to make a career out of the NBA...coaching or adminstration or whatever. If you really are uncaring and hard, brutal and violent, you don't talk about what you really want out of life. You don't talk about the future. But, the fact that he said so much in such a small time frame...well, that's a sign that deep down inside he's smart, but confused and crying out for help.

This is a man who needs some serious help. I'm not being funny or critical. If you remember Barrett from the Raiders who 'lost it' at the last minute while his teammates were headed to play the most important game of their lives...Chamique Holdsclaw who, just a couple of weeks ago, admitted to being depressed, the young student-athlete from the Univ. of Washington who eventually overdosed a couple of years ago, but who dealt with years of mental illness (just saw his story on Outside the Lines last Sunday)...all of these folks are crying out for help. There are so many others like them that don't get the major headlines. If we go back in history, I'm sure we'd find many major athletes who have suffered from some type of mental illness.

Now, with that said, I'm not naive enough to believe that Ron isn't using this to get major pub for his CD. He's not DUMB, just a little unstable. He went from saying he's taking time off for his family to saying that he wants to spend time doing stuff on his album. He asked, "What's wrong with me trying to go out and do something else...I have money saved up and if I want to do this, it's up to me (paraprase)." All I'm saying is that given his history of crazy antics and violent outbursts, he is exhibiting classic symptoms of someone who really, truly needs professional help.

Ricky Williams is another example. In N.O, he was more than a little weird and folks found out that he had issues that could only be addressed with medication. Of course now he's added a few supplements to that prescribed's over for him.

The pressure is intense and we really need to find a way to help these folks get some help before it gets worse.

I listened to his interview and he comes across as 'sad'. I really think someone needs to reach out to him before it's too late.

And again, to follow his passion is not the problem. It's the way he's gone abou trying to do's unorthodox.

God bless that man. I hope he gets some help. :smh: