Road Rage Posts - We get so Many in Dallas we Can start our own Thread

Man yeah, it's crazy around here. I mean it's like regular accidents almost. Road rage here, road rage there. It's insane.
Don't forget about the Mexicans driving in Texas, Mane they are dangerous behind the wheel. I don't know who drives the worst Mexicans or Asian people in minivans. lol Texas is wild. An does the whole state not have liquor stores open on Sunday? lol
Houston is notorious, I've seen a mexican guy just miss me on I-45 and hit an older lady in the car next to me and after hitting her and knocking her off the freeway he hit her so hard it broke her driver's seat and she was laying flat when I checked on her, he swerved in front of me and hit the concrete barrier and flipped upside don and was sliding on the car's top right in front of me. When when the cops came they tried to switch drivers because the guy I saw in the driver's seat was drunk at 7 am and his friend tried to take the wrap for him for the wreck, but after the cops took my statement, they got him. The older lady was appreciative I helped her and she even sent me a check for Christmas.