Reps blast Dems in Gov Races, Whitehouse a done deal.


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The democratic party is increasingly alienating mainstream America. Dean may as well have discarded the southern vote. The republican shift of the south proves that.

Were you actually surprise about the results from yesterday. This continues a trend that began in 1964 with Goldwater and perpetuated by Nixon in 68 with his southern stragegy. The old South is solidly Republican and will continue to be unless the parties flip flop. The republican party founded by Lincoln was liberal and the Dems were conservative. Listen to LBJ tapes relating to his signing of the 64 civil rights act and the 65 voting rights act. He knew that he would began a realignment of the South. Bart: 4 out of 5 white males in America identify with the republican party. I don't see that changing unless the country goes through another depression. The new deal was too successful. Demographics may change the national alignment 20 to 30 years from now. However, I can't perdict how the fasting growing minority (Hispanic) will line up. Maybe some of the posters from TX can enlighten us on Hispanic voting trends. But it still want affect the old south.

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Do you really believe that white southern males are mainstream. I know they have the power and portray themselves as victims. But I have a problem with that portrait. Can you believe everybody who politically disagree with them are out of the mainstream. These southerners have always voted against their economic interest and will continue to do so. My dad was a sharecropper who worked in the field with another poor white male. At night my dad went home and worked his garden the white sharecropper went home and put on a hood and terrorized blacks. Years later my dad and this same white man in the same economic class votes opposite of each other. How do you explain this?
While the republicans are winning, their problem is that their "tent" is small. It is made up of mainly Whites across the country. As for the dems if they campaign on traditional democratic issues and not act like republicans they will win more elections. Election 2002 should be a lesson.
No, southern White males are not a mainstream. They are not even close.

JC, too many poor Whites think like that. If they and we are poor but another White person is rich, then they are happy. They can't see that they are being exploited too.

In Texas if the Latinos start voting in larger numbers, the dems will start winning more elections. That is the secret of Texas politics that no one wants to mention. They vote democratic about 70% of the time.