Pretty Boy Floyd Or Supah Judah


Retired Milkman
Fight fans, who ya picking this weekend, in what should be one of the most exciting fights of the year?

Judah, can fight when motivated, has the speed to stay with Floyd, and he's been fighting at 140 a little longer than Floyd, so he should be ready, but (stealing a line from Grady Wilson), I'll beat any of you 50 cent on Mayweather to win.:lmao:

I'm just hoping this fight doesn't turn out to be a sleeper, because it has the potential to be a monster, because no belt is on the line, and it's been a minute since there was a marquee fight between 2 brothers both in their primes.

Mayweather KO5 Judah

Zab has talent, but has wasted it. I used to think they were on the same level, but now I think Floyd is way better than Zab now. I got Floyd winning pretty easily.

Man Zab Judah's day has come and gone....he had a chance to be great. Man that dude can fight, but he will forever be a guy you talk about what he could have been.

Pretty Boy 8
Pretty Boy Floyd all the way...Zab seemed to suck after getting an feature article in Sports Illustrated ? and getting dropped by somebody in the very next fight.
Floyd in 8 if he would stop hanging out with Lil Kim and actually train for the fight he would be okay.

I saw his last fight on showtime embarassing .
Zab has not been the same since Zhu (sp) embarrassed his arse.

Floyd is the best pound for pound in the sport today now that Hopkins fell off.

Floyd in a laugher. No knockout because Judah is the bigger man. He'll eat him up with hand speed.
DonTiger said:
Zab has not been the same since Zhu (sp) embarrassed his arse.

Kostya Tzyu (sp)..that's who whupped Zab's arse after Zab had that feature story in Sports Illustrated. I was pissed when Tzyu was stanging Zab's arse in that fight. I never look at him the same way again....
Pretty Boy. Yeah there is a belt on the line, its the IBF title, that was the only title judah was able to keep when he lost to Boldminor(dude did not pay the IBF fees). Pretty boy in 5th TKO.
No knockouts or knockdowns, but a rather 'entertaining' fight nonetheless. I still think that was intentional low blow from Judah. He looked at Floyd's nuts for about 3 seconds then hit him there HARD!!! Too bad folks ended up in handcuffs after that...
It was a pretty decent fight. Zab came out strong the first 4 rounds, then it was all Floyd after that.
s phi s said:
No knockouts or knockdowns, but a rather 'entertaining' fight nonetheless. I still think that was intentional low blow from Judah. He looked at Floyd's nuts for about 3 seconds then hit him there HARD!!! Too bad folks ended up in handcuffs after that...
Yea that low blow was on purpose. Judah was getting whipped and had to find a way out.

Though I think the low blow, was intentional I don't know why he did it. He was already losing the fight, and unlike wrestling, if the champ get's DQ'd he still loses his belt, and if the fight would've been stopped, it would've gone to the scorecards, and he still would've lost.

I give Zab props for going the distance, because I honestly thought he would get KO'd, but a dominating performance by Mayweather nevertheless. It would be interesting to see him against Sugar Shane Mosely.

I think Mayweather will win, because Shane is older, and a little slower now, but at 147, who knows? Also, De La Hoya has been flirting with coming back down to 147 as well, but with Mayorga having a belt at 154, I think Oscar will beat him, and walk away.

You know the fight's outcome is still not official. They are reviewing the 10th round incident. It was stated that Mayweather can still be DQed for his trainer hopping in the ring, or they can still call the fight a no contest.
I was at the Casino when the fight broke put in the ring.

Im suprised no hand guns were pulled out.

May had too much speed from Zab.
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
Yea that low blow was on purpose. Judah was getting whipped and had to find a way out.

I agree with you about that blow. Look like they should hold his purse, instead of holding back both purses due to the brawl. I dont blame his uncle by getting in the ring to try to kick Judah arse. Low down arse. Did anybody else feel that low blow like I did.:lol: