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History experts, within the last 100 years, which PRESIDENT has served our COUNTRY best? or WORST?
When you say best, what do you mean? Each president has had to deal with different circumstances during their terms, which in essence could've hindered the way they were viewed. Sort of the way Harry Truman was viewed during his term, he didn't get a lot of the credit he derserved while he was in office, and actually left the White House with little fanfare, but history viewed him differently as time went on, and showed him as a great man, and leader, albeit when he passed on.

Then you have president's that stepped into a good situation, see Ronald Reagan. Through the ongoing talks between Jimmy Carter, and Jesse Jackson, the hostages were freed from Iran, but Carter's term ended before the hostages were freed, and history went on to show Reagan as the man who freed them, while showing Carter as a failure. I was glad to see him recieve the Nobel Peace Prize, as vendication.

All in all, I would look at the circumstances, and say that FDR would be the greatest president, if not for the 3 consecutive terms he served, but the way the country pulled together for him during WWII, at the same time coming out of the Depression.


Originally posted by JagBR
History experts, within the last 100 years, which PRESIDENT has served our COUNTRY best? or WORST?

It depends on the policy matter being discussed.

Roosevelt and The New Deal
Kennedy and Vietnam/Civil Rights
Nixon and the ending of Vietnam
Clinton and his domestic policy

Notice all of my concerns were "Domestic Policy." Eventhough Vietnam was an foreign policy concern the uproar against it in the United States made it a strong domestic issue. With looking at the best Presidents it's a situational thing.

Good thread though!!!!!
The worst is Bush II. You could put in a nod for Warren Harding, but he wasn't around long enough to any real damage.

For the best, it's FDR all the way.
To paraphrase Dr. King, "The true measure of a man is not where he stands in time of comfort and convenice but in those of challenge and controversy". With that being said I would have to say FDR was the best and LBJ/GW the worst.

It can also be argued that Teddy was the 1st modern president thereby setting the stage for those who have come after him in how they deal with both foreign and domestic policy.