Present & accounted for?

Glad to report that UPS didn't loose a driver or carrier...all present and accounted for!!! Ironically enough, I heard that one of the building that the WTC fell on was Fed-EX. :rolleyes:
WHEW !! Glad I'm in H-town !!!

I personally don't know of anybody. Alcornite 86 is alright (he's in Washington D.C.).
I'm still here. I was supposed to go to Ecuador on Sunday and can you believe they emailed me saying they still expect me?! The trip was for 2 weeks. No telling what could happen in 2 weeks. By the time they let me back in the US, I could be speaking fluent Spanish and my child will have graduated from college. No flying for me.

Everything and everyone in THE DAWGPOUND seems to be safe and accounted for so far as we can determine.

THE DAWGPOUND sincerely hopes that all is well on your home front and with your extended families.

I'm here and ready to KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES!!

These fargin' bastidges (anyone remember Johnny Dangerously?) have all but cancelled my trip to St. Louis for the Gateway Classic!

I'm :mad: as a MOFO about that one!

Oh, and before anyone asks, that trip is ELEVEN HOURS and FIFTY TWO MINUTES ... so I ain't DRIVING, either!

I'm glad that everyone is safe and sound as can be under the circumstances.
That cat daddy is here. I was in St. Louis when the WTC was hit on Tuesday. I had to drive home from St. Louis on yesterday. The 10 hour drive was well worth it. Glad to be back in Bayou Country!!! :D :)
doin' aight

Hey Gang!

Just had the first opportunity to get back to TSPN. I am stuck in VA until Thurs. (9/20). Been here since 9/10. Man! Talking about being in shock here at a government facility. Been moved from dorms to hotels at least 4 times. Strangely enough, the class is Adaptive Leadership. Needless to say...we've adapted.

Doin' fine, but itching to get home! Peace until then!!

BTW, Keep me in your prayers. I'll be flying.

I was right here in Htwon headed to Southwest houston when the attack happend.

I was planning to go to NYC for Thanksgiving but that is out now.