People Are Sharing Their Best "Rich People Tips," And I Wish I'd Learned This Sooner

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

1."YouTube is your friend. Learn how to cut your own hair, fix appliances, change your oil, and cook at home. Look up workouts and look up audiobooks. Learn to do your own nails, pedicures, facials, natural remedies, etc."


2."The faster you realize that you were programmed at birth to buy, buy, buy, the faster you can break the cycle and start saving with high interest rates that will compound you into wealth over 30 or 40 years."


3."One monthly bill we have control over is food. I throw NOTHING away. If bananas are going bad, I make banana bread, then wrap and freeze it in small batches. With eggs going bad, scramble and freeze. I once had a package of bread rolls that were going to go bad. Before they did, I broke them into chunks, let them sit out for a few days, and then made bread crumbs. Possibilities are ENDLESS. Buy food on sale that week and meal plan from that. "

"If you go out to dinner, see who is having specials. Look for coupons. Download apps where you might get a discount."

5."Never carry a balance on a credit card. That's it; that's the tip."


"Use your credit cards and an easy spreadsheet to never pay interest, build credit, and get some points. Even a bad credit card is 1% back."

Rich people don't cook, cut their own hair, cut their grass, clean their own homes, wash their own cars or do any service type things. They pay others to do it for the time it cost. The most successful thing you will ever learn from successful or wealthy people is that time is valuable. Time is one thing you can never get back. When you are sleeping and resting successful people are up at the crack of dawn meditating and brain storming on ideas or planning deals.
