North Carolina Gubernatorial race

Look up Mark Robinson in the dictionary and you'll end up seeing this picture below.

adult swim GIF by The Boondocks
I could care less what happens to his hypocritical, self-hating tomming behind, but the same republicans likely stood by and remain supportive of trump.

They're just using it as reason because they already believed he was going to lose and they're concerned what that means down ballot.

When they LOSE the state-guess who they are going to blame.

Because there is a difference between Trump's antics and a black one-they SHOULD have learned their lesson with Hershel.
CNN expose was detailed.

Republicans are offering him money to step down.
Of course they are, but not over this scandalous stuff they already new about years ago. This is politics. Out of desperation, they have leaked this stuff. He has been dragging the republican ticket down from day one even with their maga daddy trump's endorsement, but until recently he was still untouchable.

With that said, trump and his team has gotten nervous about Harris' gains in Carolina. Make no mistake about it, he has went from untouchable to being targeted because their maga daddy has said he has to go.

I hope he defies their bigoted behinds, refuse their money and remain on the ticket. It is without question he is a sell-out and hypocrite, but it will be interesting to see if he is really as dense headed as a nazi.
Of course they are, but not over this scandalous stuff they already new about years ago. This is politics. Out of desperation, they have leaked this stuff. He has been dragging the republican ticket down from day one even with their maga daddy trump's endorsement, but until recently he was still untouchable.

With that said, trump and his team has gotten nervous about Harris' gains in Carolina. Make no mistake about it, he has went from untouchable to being targeted because their maga daddy has said he has to go.

I hope he defies their bigoted behinds, refuse their money and remain on the ticket. It is without question he is a sell-out and hypocrite, but it will be interesting to see if he is really as dense headed as a nazi.
There has been Republicans, in North Carolina, that has been leaking stuff out about Robinson for years in order discredit him, but Trump support and him being able to raise funds for others in North Carolina has kept him around. I don't think he will drop out, as he put all in cards into boot licking his way into this position he is in and he really has nothing left to go back if he quits now.