NO Black Coaches in the tourney


The Future of Omega!!!!
Boston College

All out.

Its a conspiracy.
It was so many questionable calls during the BC and the Washington games!!!
Conspiracy? Hardly.

Georgetown should have kicked the Gators but lacked the experience to close out the game. Washington fouled the game away.
I did not see the BC game.

Those 3 coaches have done a great job this year. If they recruit well, they should all be in an even better posture next year. The Hibble (?) kid from G'town just needs to bulk up and the rest of the Big East is in trouble.

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SONNY said:
Boston College

All out.

Its a conspiracy.
It was so many questionable calls during the BC and the Washington games!!!

Of course you're being sarcastic?
Hibbert ok and everything, but he is slow as hell. Hoford was going around him all night. Joakim Noah is a seven-footer and he was picking them up and laying them down on the court.
BC got royally worked by the refs in that game against Nova.
(not saying that it had anything to do with race, but they got robbed. Big Time!!!)
mighty hornet said:
BC got royally worked by the refs in that game against Nova.
(not saying that it had anything to do with race, but they got robbed. Big Time!!!)

That was I was screaming!!!!!
Alot of questionable calls in that game.
As my wife and I watched the tournament from the beginning, it was our opinion that the schools with the BLACK HC's were called a lot tighter than those with the white coaches. They tried all they could to short cut Pokey Chatman's team on the women's side. BUT........we shall see what transpires????

Makes you go hmmmmmmmm........??????
mighty hornet said:
BC got royally worked by the refs in that game against Nova.
(not saying that it had anything to do with race, but they got robbed. Big Time!!!)

Exactly! :nod2: And if anyone saw that UConn and Washington game, yall know Washington got robbed too! Touch fouls all night called against them! :shame: Washington actually had the game won, but..............

At any rate, I was pissed at the poor officiating in the Boston College game and the Washington game! If I may say so myself, those calls went against those two teams and the most inopportune times!