New York Fire Department Discriminates

That's why all of this temporary praying and help are all in vain!!! God is not hearing that mess!
In my family, I have THREE Mom, Sister, and dear friendl.... Each of whom have worked emergency rooms in a state hospital.

I remember them talking about the black people always get mad if someone is called over them while waiting in the emergency rooms. A lot of times our people did not understand the order of business. A triage area is where they priorities injuries.

While it might have seemed like the woman was only coughing, she could have been short of breath ....i.e. almost not breathing. While a 5 inch cut is serious, the writer does not say it is a GASH....I can not say this person did not deserve treatment, but in some cases we think we go in for treatment in the order we show up. This is not so.

I don't doubt she felt discrimination....but sometimes it is hard to help black people.

In my own experience, I've been given assistance in front of waiting emergency room patients because I had chest pains...A lady got mad because I ( a light skinned as she put it) woman went in front of her ...her stomach was hurting severely. A stomach ache verses a potential heart attack..... They treated me first.

I feel ya, but I don't doubt that there was/is some serious discrimination going on in NYC.....look at where we're talkin' about here.

Thoughts by LG

God knows that I have tried to remain objective and patriotic during this entire terrible ordeal, but after reading this article and being flipped off by Johhny Cracker yesterday on my way to work, I can no longer contain the burning rage inside of my heart that has been here for years!!!

When this event first went down, the media tried very hard to make this the worst tragic event in American history. As I sat in front of my TV last week and saw countless stories of pale faced blue eyed Americans giving their dramatic recounts of their lost loved ones, I could only imagine had this event taken place in Detroit or even Grambling, would we still be receiving this much coverage? Would the cries of "USA! USA!" still be heard??? The mayor of NYC proclaimed that New York City was the greatest city there is. Let me see: New York city is the same city where an innocent man of color reaches for his wallet and gets shot down numerous times; New York city is the same place where a man of color gets brutally raped and tortured by the NYC police dept; New York City is the same city that complained about the funeral proceedings Aaliyah had through it's very own streets; New York city is the same city where John Rocker, then pitcher of ATL Braves, referred to as a "3rd world country" and then dogged out the majority of the minorities living there. Need I continue? Forgive me for sounding unreceptive, but the only thing I like about New York city is Bad Boy, Def Jam, and Ruff Ryders!!!

The president has urged us to return to normal. Well as I sat in the restaurant today at lunch and waited 5 mins while some pale face decided to let me out of my parking spot....don't worry...things are back to normal. Mr. Bush, as my parents used to say..."Don't let your mouth write a check your azz can't cash" Your debt is accumulating tremendously and the bank is closed.

My heart goes out to everyone that lost their lives in NYC and DC. You would think that after such a tragic event, we would set aside our differences, learn from this event, and try to at least eliminate racism and segregation somewhat. But as I've always said and will continue to say "People don't change" This is America. It's been okay to me. But it is still and will always be "A f'd up place"

I understand the fight here, HOWEVER....

As I said yesterday to this fool on another board, a man who does not defend himself is a damn fool!

While this might not be "our" war as some have stated, I DO live on USA soil. I love this soil. I'd rather be here than any other land in this world.

HERE: I can have my own religion in semi-peace. In some countries, you're executed for not following their teachings! Say what ya want, but I will wave this damn flag until I die. I will never give in to anyone who invades my country and kills MY and white.

While some of us are so ready to make it a black and white war (in their own merits it can be such), I offer you this:....The planes that disected WTC 1 and WTC 2 did NOT discriminate. It did not skip the blacks in the building. They died just like the white folks.

Sometimes I swear!

Blu, for the life of me... never mind.
Discrimination is nothing new in NYC or Dallas ...

I don't think the God I serve passes judgement on the nature of sincere prayers ... but then I ain't got no scriptcha to back that up ... :rolleyes:
So true; Johnny Crackhead is still breaking in cars and stealing SH^&*. Oh Chuck will be calling us. you, me, and everybody else the N word.
Originally posted by jag4life
Oh well. I heard it was a HOAX. My bad. :confused:

See how things get started, people post something without confirmation and get the masses up in roar and then figure out the truth and deletes the passages although others have started to rumble.......
I guess it's because I didn't read the article ...

But I ain't seeing what is so surprising about some organization practicing discrimation.


I would see the things that happened in that article to be 'common' in the world today.

It's sad......but in most instances I've encountered or seen, it's true.


Martin Luther The King, send a speech.......

It was not a true article. Someone from another board made it up to start a discussion.

Considering the fact that there are white and black firemen in the FDNY....never mind. It aint even worth the argument.:rolleyes: