New Smilies!!!


I hope you enjoy the new smilies we added to the board!

Here's a few of the new ones:









ENJOY!!! ;)
Originally posted by Tara
I hope you enjoy the new smilies we added to the board!

Here's a few of the new ones:









ENJOY!!! ;)
I just noticed.....:eek: Love it.:D opps that an old one

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Originally posted by Tara
I hope you enjoy the new smilies we added to the board!

Here's a few of the new ones:









ENJOY!!! ;)

These are pretty cool.

I like, I like.:D

I am new to this board but all I can say is....

OMG!!! you are BEAUTIFUL:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh and the smiles are nice
Re: Tara

Originally posted by ShoNuff TSU Tiger
I am new to this board but all I can say is....

OMG!!! you are BEAUTIFUL:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh and the smiles are nice

Gee Tara, I think ole boy is in :love:
Re: Tara

Originally posted by ShoNuff TSU Tiger
I am new to this board but all I can say is....

OMG!!! you are BEAUTIFUL:eek: :eek: :eek:

Dude, you better be cool or Suge will come an kick your arse! Tara is Suge's puddin...I think. :confused:

My bad ...looks like I have stepped on somebodies toes and I just got here...

But she is unforgettable.....
Dtown Jag

I don't say this to just anybody, but all I can say is....

OMG!!! you are BEAUTIFUL
Re: Dtown Jag

Originally posted by ShoNuff TSU Tiger
I don't say this to just anybody, but all I can say is....

OMG!!! you are BEAUTIFUL

At the time of this post ShoNuff only have 4 post total. 2 of the post is stating that Tara is beautiful and the third is stating that Jag is beautiful, then you state you dont say this to anybody. HA HA HA!!!!!!! Wait, i am going to use the new faces. :emlaugh: :emlaugh::emlaugh::emlaugh::emlaugh::emlaugh:

Thanks TARA, I like em.
I've always been partial to this smilie:


Who in the hell is this newbie trying to get at my puddin....dude let me explain something to you. I am Suge...the pres-O-dent of TSPN, and Tara is my squaw!! You kan drop all the game you want on D-Town...I could care less about whst she does........but you better stay the hel away from my baby momma. Don't make me send my bad arse baby boy to your crib.............

Dammit I leave for a few minutes and some lame is trying to get at my squaw.

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My Bad

Cuz it's all good....I was just paying the lady a
compliment.....I didn't know she was yo baby momma

Hey Dtown Jag, you sombody baby momma too???

Let a brotha know....LOL
Re: My Bad

Originally posted by Sho Nuff
Cuz it's all good....I was just paying the lady a
compliment.....I didn't know she was yo baby momma

Hey Dtown Jag, you sombody baby momma too???

Let a brotha know....LOL

You guys Got me Dying of Laughter over here.

If it aint Sho being the "New Macker in the Swacpage."

It is Suge Calling Tara his Squaw.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :bawling: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There you go Jelli, those are new.