N. Koreans getting jumpy..

J-State Tiger

Senate Candidate #7
US preparing strike on North Korea -- Pyongyang
Thu Mar 20,11:51 PM ET

SEOUL (AFP) - North Korea (news - web sites) has accused the United States of preparing a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear facilities to coincide with the war on Iraq (news - web sites).

The official Korean Central News Agency said large-scale joint US-South Korean war games had brought the peninsula to the brink of nuclear war.

It said the war games "timed to coincide with the US attack on Iraq" and their emphasis on air power demonstrated that the United States was preparing to launch a strike.

"This means that it (the US) is going to mount a pre-emptive attack on nuclear facilities in the DPRK (North Korea) and take it as an opportunity of escalating the war," the official news agency said in a dispatch monitored here.

The dispatch said Washington had "hurled unusually huge combat forces equipped with sophisticated weapons" into the annual war games with South Korea (news - web sites), including the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson.

"They involve hundreds of thousands of troops and various types of modern combat hardware enough to wage a war," it said.

After failing to persuade North Korea to scrap its nuclear weapons drive, Washington intended to settle the crisis by military means and the war games were conceived to fix the "zero hour" for the attack, KCNA said.

North Korea vowed to repulse any attack, with the official news agency vowing that the army and people were "fully ready to wipe out the aggressors to the last man at a single stroke."
North Korea has been doing the same $hit for years that the U.S. and South Korea is doing. They need to sit their po A$$ down somewhere.

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Well, I wish they would go ahead and take out that Nuclear plant. What's the hold-up? We already looking for Osama and beating down Iraq. Might as well thin out our protection here at home some more. Let's ask Yugoslavia if they want some of this action, since we handing out ass-whippings.

This administration wonders aimlessly through one situation to the next. Never solving one before starting another. :smh:
No administration ever solved a conflict completely. Do you think this one will?

Originally posted by Mike
Well, I wish they would go ahead and take out that Nuclear plant. What's the hold-up? We already looking for Osama and beating down Iraq. Might as well thin out our protection here at home some more. Let's ask Yugoslavia if they want some of this action, since we handing out ass-whippings.

This administration wonders aimlessly through one situation to the next. Never solving one before starting another. :smh:
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
No administration ever solved a conflict completely. Do you think this one will?

I'm glad you said that! Now, the purpose of this war is to do what? Now go back to what you just said and apply it to what I've been saying. I guess you didn't catch my sarcasm in the first post....

Originally posted by Mike
This administration wonders aimlessly through one situation to the next. Never solving one before starting another. :smh:

Is there any wonder why I refer to this man as "intellectually destitute?" I'm not the only one who feels this way. You should hear what some of the leaders of other nations of the world call him. Compared to how some of them have described him, my words are soft.

North Korea has been doing the same $hit for years that the U.S. and South Korea is

North Korea has no intentions of starting another war on the peninsula!

The U.S mission here is to Deter Aggression, not to Attack. The Armistice signed by the US and other UN Members do not call for an attakc on North Korea and the US cannot act alone in doing so.

Besides, the South Koreans will not allow it to happen.

I hope no one is believing anything coming out of the North Korean Press!
Originally posted by Mike
Well, I wish they would go ahead and take out that Nuclear plant. What's the hold-up? We already looking for Osama and beating down Iraq. Might as well thin out our protection here at home some more. Let's ask Yugoslavia if they want some of this action, since we handing out ass-whippings.

This administration wonders aimlessly through one situation to the next. Never solving one before starting another. :smh:

Remember this thread?

Alcornite 86, I guess you gonna get to do your war dance in a few months.

Yall gonna learn to listen to me. I tried to told you that the N.Koreans was gonna be the next beatdown. Now watch the news and you will hear it for yourself.

It's gonna get thin on the security around here and Bush is also talking about sending more troops back to Iraq. Didn't he know that you have to slam choke the folks in that area and put your foot on their necks to make them conform to the new regime (U.S.)? :shame:

Bush better get a hand on this unemployment and lies about WMD, too. It's gonna be a sad day for him in November of 04. :smh:

I thought it was time for me to come back and say something since Makaho showed that he is still reading the board. :lol:
Originally posted by Mike
Remember this thread?

Bush better get a hand on this unemployment and lies about WMD, too. It's gonna be a sad day for him in November of 04. :smh:

It's already a sad day for the U. S. in July, '03! :bawling:

God HELP America, and rid us of this bumbling nitwit (and all his li'l helpers) that currently sits in the White House!
Is there a way out?

Even with a new pres., how can we get out of the situations we have been placed in by this administration? If we return to isolationism we lose our position in the World. If we continue to focus on the rest of the world, we will go into a a far greater depression than we have ever witnessed.
North, South Korean Troops Briefly Exchange Gunfire at DMZ


By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, Associated Press Writer

SEOUL, South Korea - South and North Korean soldiers briefly exchanged machine gun fire along their border on Thursday, but the South Korean military said it did not suffer casualties in the shootout.

It was not immediately known whether any North Korean troops were injured or killed in the firefight in the Demilitarized Zone, a buffer area that was created at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War to keep opposing armies apart.

Tension on the Korean Peninsula is high over North Korea (news - web sites)'s suspected development of nuclear weapons, and such shooting incidents in the DMZ are rare. In recent years, however, negotiations and reconciliation efforts have moved forward despite such outbreaks of violence.

In Washington, Pentagon (news - web sites) spokesman Lt. Dan Hetlage said: "The Pentagon is aware of the incident but has no comment."

North Korean soldiers fired four rounds at 6:10 a.m., and South Korean soldiers issued a warning broadcast before firing 17 rounds in response one minute later, said Maj. Lee of the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff. He said the North Korean fire came from a machine gun, and that the South was using a machine gun called a K-3.

Issued over a loudspeaker, the South Korean broadcast told the North Koreans that they were in "clear violation" of the terms of the armistice that ended the Korean War.

"Immediately stop the provocation," the broadcast said.

Under terms of the armistice, North and South Korean soldiers can patrol in the DMZ, but they are not allowed to move around with heavy weapons such as machine guns.

However, Lee said the two sides are allowed to keep machine guns inside observation posts, and that the guns used in the shootout were located in such posts. Lee, who did not give his first name, said the incident happened near the South Korean town of Yonchon, 35 miles north of the South Korean capital, Seoul.

Yonchon is 25 miles east of Panmunjom, a cluster of buildings where the armistice was signed. The U.S.-led United Nations (news - web sites) Command controls the southern half of the DMZ and North Korea oversees the northern half.

Over the decades, violence has periodically erupted at the DMZ, though such incidents have tapered off in recent years. The 2.5 mile-wide, 155 mile-long zone is laced with minefields, fences and observation posts.

The nuclear dispute flared in October when U.S. officials said North Korea admitted it had a clandestine nuclear program in violation of a 1994 agreement with Washington.

The United States and its allies suspended fuel shipments promised under the 1994 deal, and Pyongyang retaliated by expelling U.N. monitors, restarting facilities capable of making fuel for nuclear bombs and withdrawing from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

This week, U.S. officials said they were not sure whether North Korean representatives were bluffing or telling the truth when they claimed last week to have finished extracting plutonium ? a key ingredient for nuclear weapons ? from 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods.

At the United Nations Wednesday, Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) urged North Korea and the United States to find a peaceful solution to nuclear dispute.

Annan said he had been in contact with both parties which have different ideas for discussions.

North Korea wants bilateral negotiations with Washington, but recently said it might consider U.S. demands for talks involving several nations, if it could also meet one-on-one with the United States.

On Wednesday, the North's state-run Rodong Sinmun said U.S. demands for multilateral talks to resolve the crisis were complicating the issue, according to South Korea (news - web sites)'s Yonhap news agency. Washington says North Korea's nuclear ambitions are a regional threat and talks should include China, South Korea, Japan and Russia.
Looka here!

I done tried to told yall! This thing is only gonna escalate....:smh:
Re: Is there a way out?

Originally posted by Attack Dog
Even with a new pres., how can we get out of the situations we have been placed in by this administration? If we return to isolationism we lose our position in the World. If we continue to focus on the rest of the world, we will go into a a far greater depression than we have ever witnessed.

The problem with this administration is that they cannot or do not want to negotiate with anyone. Even the Nixon and Reagan administrations could negotiate and sit down for talks. They folks seem to want to ignore a problem or fight when they cannot.

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i bet bush has a helluva headache now....

Man man man, i bet Bush's head is spinning. Not only can't he find Osama and Sadaam, now he has to worry about another so called axis of evil. And on top of that he still haven't found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which North Korea ALREADY has. Oh but wait, Iraq was our biggest threat, yeah lets keep lettin North Korea making weapons and see what happens when we try to go to war in a year or two, they'll be ready to use those Nukes. North Korea is basically tellin Bush they have NUKES, i think they wanna test them out and flex their muscles now.

Oh and Tony Blairs own people in England are basically calling him a lier and saying he deceived them.lol.