My Time at the WBC...

J-State Tiger

Senate Candidate #7
Man let me tell you. I went to 2 Games at the World Baseball Classic that were played here in Orlando. I tell you is was an abosolute fool! I had so much fun. Wednesday I went to see Venezuela. There fans were roudy as hell Miguel Cabrera hit a homer and they lost their minds. I didnt know there where that many Venezuelans in the area. they sang and dance the whole game. The women were off the damned meter! I aint never seen women like that at a sporting event not even at Black college Games. it just didnt make no sense.

Tonite I went to watch Dominicana. It was on a different level. IT was a fool. the crowd I was with gave a nickname to every female in the area and chanted their nicknames throughout the game the beat drums and the girls danced. then a big ass conga line broke out like Carnival or something. they ran all over the stadium in a pack of about 150. they chanted and put they flags in the air and ran and ran and sang and chanted and ran and had signs talking about we dont need A-Rod or Manny. I have never seen anything like it.
J-State Tiger said:
Man let me tell you. I went to 2 Games at the World Baseball Classic that were played here in Orlando. I tell you is was an abosolute fool! I had so much fun. Wednesday I went to see Venezuela. There fans were roudy as hell Miguel Cabrera hit a homer and they lost their minds. I didnt know there where that many Venezuelans in the area. they sang and dance the whole game. The women were off the damned meter! I aint never seen women like that at a sporting event not even at Black college Games. it just didnt make no sense.

Tonite I went to watch Dominicana. It was on a different level. IT was a fool. the crowd I was with gave a nickname to every female in the area and chanted their nicknames throughout the game the beat drums and the girls danced. then a big ass conga line broke out like Carnival or something. they ran all over the stadium in a pack of about 150. they chanted and put they flags in the air and ran and ran and sang and chanted and ran and had signs talking about we dont need A-Rod or Manny. I have never seen anything like it.
:tup: :tup: Im really loving this Classic. MLB has found something special. The players are playing so hard for their countries. Its a beautiful thing. The atmosphere sounds like SU vs LSU game on SU's campus. The band even shows up.

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My WBC experience was the total polar opposite. I went to the USA v. South Africa game and their was nothing but old blue haired retirees from Scottsdale and surrounding areas plus it was a total circus with the 40 year old white dudes with their baseball card collections in hand tryng to get auto graphs. Thw game was over before itr started so there was no atmasphere to it at all.One cool thing happened was when we were walking back to our car Ken Griffey Sr. gave my son a ball out of his dozen box he was carrying and it has the WBC logo in gold on it.
If you watch a sports event from the middle america and south
america countries, they make a baseball game an event. :tup:
Jaguar94 said:
If you watch a sports event from the middle america and south
america countries, they make a baseball game an event. :tup:

A few games will be on the ESPN family sunday and monday.