MusicMatch Jukebox Experts Help


Senior Member
I was upgrading to musicmatch jukebox 7.2 and lost everything in my music library. But when I go to open and then to playlists the songs are there but not in my music library. When I do a search(music) the songs are there(C Drive), all 2500 files. How can I transfer the music back to my music library?
you should be able to click on the boxes or select all when you are viewing the files. once you select all you can migrate them to the respective playlist/library.

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Originally posted by ms.sonic96
you should be able to click on the boxes or select all when you are viewing the files. once you select all you can migrate them to the respective playlist/library.

I can migrate songs to the playlist but not to the music library. :bawling:
Do you also have the files saved to your hard drive/folder somewhere? If so you should be able to highlight the files in that folder and send to your music jukebox/ my music folder.

This is how mine works.
Originally posted by ms.sonic96
Do you also have the files saved to your hard drive/folder somewhere? If so you should be able to highlight the files in that folder and send to your music jukebox/ my music folder.

This is how mine works.

This is were the files are: C:\Documents and Setting\Owner\My Documents. I still can't transfer the documents to my music library in musicmatch Jukebox. I give up.
click on add tab

place a check in the box to add tracks from any subfolders

highlight the songs you wish to add to your library and then click add
I E-mailed musicmatch for an answer, this is the response they gave me, it worked! Thanks ms. sonic96 & Jam Piper Jam.

Thank you for contacting MusicMatch Support.

The MP3s you have recorded or downloaded that are displayed in the Music Library are stored separately from the Library on your hard disk; the entries in the Music Library are simply links to the actual MP3s. Since this is the case, uninstalling MusicMatch Jukebox or deleting the library file will not delete the songs you have recorded or downloaded.

Please do the following to re-add all your tracks from their locations:

- Open MusicMatch Jukebox
- Select the "Options" menu
- Select "Music Library"
- Click "Clear Music Library"
- Confirm that you want to clear the library by clicking "Yes"
- Select the "Options" menu
- Select "Music Library"
- Click "Search and Add Track(s) from All Drives..."
- Confirm that you want to search by clicking the "OK" button

This will create an updated Music Library with all your tracks listed.

Kind Regards,

MUSICMATCH Customer Support