Mike: Important Message!


Mike: Happy Birthday!

<center><i><font color=teal size=7 face=arial>Happy Birthday!</font></i>

<embed src="http://www.rats2u.com/clipart/midi/happy1.mid" autostart="true" loop="1">


Happy Birfday, Mike!!!!

Awwwwww!!! And they got the py anni playing in the background. How sweet.:D

You old!


Happy Birthday, Tight Shirt Mikey! How's that campaign coming?
I'm glad I was there with the fire extinguisher.................

......just incase the flames from all of those candles got out of hand and torched your place.

Happy 137th B-day to ya !! You don't look a day older than 106.

Thanks Everybody!


Tara and Phatback.... don't trip on my age like that. It's bad enough that I can't remember my age when others ask me. :D

Pi..... uh Dayum that Pison! We did and will again! ;)

I've aged well. :p
yeaahhhhhhhh dawggggg

Happy Birthday MIKE.........

On Sept 29th I will celebrate your birthday dawg!

By the way you still be on that Couvsier....or however you spell it lol

I'm on some new expensive stuff, now! But, I still get down with that. I'm also getting my Whine on. ;)
I almost forgot about my crusade against

Texas parties.. but uh since I rang my birthday in right, I am not going to say nothing....
poor children are being neglected in Houston, because of partying.

Don't you have some work to do?
Re: poor children are being neglected in Houston, because of partying.

Originally posted by Dirty
Don't you have some work to do?

The job issued my lap top, cell phone, and pager to me today. So it's on like popcorn! :D