Louisiana: The "New" Mississippi

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Just returned from Louisiana and the infrastructure/roads and senseless violence stand out like a sore thumb…..The racial climate leaves a lot to be desired as well. That hot tropical climate and high home insurance premiums due to weather challenges are “disturbing” issues as well…
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When those from other southern states poke fun at Mississippi, I say that they should look at their own state first. Frankly, those from other red states outside the south should also look at their own states. Remember that Kristi Noem is the governor of South Dakota. Many of the red state politicians do not seem to be interested in solving the problems in their own state.

Whenever they try to blame it on the Black population, I refer them to west virginia
One can look at much of Appalachia outside of West Virginia.

Anyway, expect the red state politicians and voters to fight against those rankings.