Louisiana Governer's Race

cat daddy

Active Member
This race is getting very interesting as we fall under two weeks before the election. The Democratic Mayor of New Orleans has come out and endorsed Republican candidate Bobby Jindal.

Is this the endorsement Jindal needs to garner the black vote he has been courting lately?



Nagin crosses party lines, endorses Jindal

By The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS -- Democratic New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin crossed party lines today, endorsing Republican Bobby Jindal in the Nov. 15 runoff election for governor.

Jindal faces Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco in the election.

Nagin backed former state Senate president Randy Ewing, a Democrat, in the Oct. 4 primary. Ewing placed fifth.

Since the election, Nagin has made it clear that an endorsement for fellow Democrat Blanco would not be automatic, saying that Jindal, who has been a federal and state health official, would get full consideration.
I'm so tired of this. Every time I turn on the TV its" Jindal this, Blanco that." Jindal isn't gonna get the black vote. Well thats what I think. Blanco's gonna win by 4 or 5 points. I'll just be glad when its over. Besides, the Democrat will more than likely get the black vote despite what's being said. I want to see what difference the sex of a governor makes anyway, just out of curiosity. Man, I'm 16. I don't know that much about politics. This is just my opinion.:D

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Ole Jindal was on the track again before the game Saturday. He was there for the James Allen presentation. I wonder how many SU games he'll go to after the election, win or lose.....
What BgJag said. I don't think Nagin's enorsement will mean a thing, NOTHING. I watch him with both eyes open anyway. That's a whole 'nutha subject though.
Originally posted by JSTUS
What BgJag said. I don't think Nagin's enorsement will mean a thing, NOTHING. I watch him with both eyes open anyway. That's a whole 'nutha subject though.

We will have to see....Jindal is bringing it with this election....and bringing it hard. We can talk about how the citizens are sick of Democrats but we see what happened in California, and luckily we have 2 qualified candidates.
I really don't understand the voters of LA. Here we have a candidate hand picked by Mike Foster about to win the election.

Keep in mind, Mike Foster has the state in its current poor condition after his 8 years in office.