Little League Investigating Almonte


Well-Known Member
SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. -- Little League is investigating pitcher Danny Almonte after being shown a document that indicated the ace from the Bronx might be older than allowed.

Danny Almonte threw the first perfect game in 44 years at the Little League World Series this year. (AP)

The Rolando Paulino Little League insists Almonte is 12 years old, born April 7, 1989, in Moca, Dominican Republic.

But Little League World Series officials were shown an affidavit Monday by a Sports Illustrated writer that indicated a Danny Almonte was born April 7, 1987, in the town, said league spokesman Lance Van Auken.

Documents previously submitted to Little League by the Rolando Paulino team to prove Almonte's eligibility showed him being born to the same parents in the same town, but in 1989. Van Auken said Little League also was faxed another document Monday afternoon that was similar to the one obtained by Sports Illustrated but showing Almonte being born in 1989.

Read the entire story here:,1329,4235803_13,00.html
Looks like his ass is 14 years old. Why am I not surprised that some losers would trot a 20 year old out to beat some 12 year olds??? OR that parents of the 12 year olds would question a "seemingly" phenom 12 year old.

Furthermore, I ain't too fond of an illegal alien playing on an American team. Since it's done by country, i think you should be a citizen, and not just a resident.
Hope I'm not mistaken, but . . .

On another note, since Danny ain't a citizen of this country, he's not subject to the MLB draft. So, he could be signed as a free agent by any MLB team. I can see Steinbrenner licking his lips now.
The local news are providing pretty good coverage here in NY (I am approx. 45 minutes north of The Bronx). All the kids in the neighborhood mentioned earlier in the week (on the news), Danny is 14.

At 14, one pitches from 60'6". This is a world of a difference.