Liberian Rebels Balk.


Brand HBCUbian
Liberian rebels refuse to relinquish control of key areas held in Liberia. Gee, imagine that. why, I thought for sure they'd do the right thing and voluntarily lay down their arms. wasn't that the original terms, if the president leaves the fighting would stop? :rolleyes:
Those folks love us there.

Marines Land in Liberia as Rebels Pull Back

By David Clarke



"U.S., America," chanted joyous crowds who mobbed a small Marine reconnaissance team accompanying the Nigerians. They went wild with delight when a fighter jet screeched overhead.

The Pentagon has said that about 200 Marines will be deployed over the next few days. Some Marines dashed to airport buildings, others took up positions in the grass.

"The citizens around are all so happy to see the Marines because they had to leave their homes for fear of a rebel attack," said airport worker George Marshall.


the military powers that be know that we want to silently steal
their gold, oil, and other natural resources. from what i have read in the commercial appear, liberia is a "poor" country, but they have billions of dollars in gold alone. would you go quietly into the night and let a known thief take your goods? i can't understand why we can just help these smaller countries, get them on their feet and bring our men, women, and children home.

something terrible is going to happen here in the u.s. . we have stepped outside ourselves, but will be put back in line.
Originally posted by dSWACizJSU
the military powers that be know that we want to silently steal
their gold, oil, and other natural resources. from what i have read in the commercial appear, liberia is a "poor" country, but they have billions of dollars in gold alone. would you go quietly into the night and let a known thief take your goods? i can't understand why we can just help these smaller countries, get them on their feet and bring our men, women, and children home.

something terrible is going to happen here in the u.s. . we have stepped outside ourselves, but will be put back in line.

What dose this have to do with giving out food ...... :confused: :confused:

Everytime America dose anything .... here comes the "sky is falling, America is out to steal everything crowd".

Why can't these countries around them in EUROPE do something.... I mean, they are known for handling situations better ....... If you can find a situation that they actually take the lead on.
Originally posted by jstate83
What dose this have to do with giving out food ...... :confused: :confused:

Everytime America dose anything .... here comes the "sky is falling, America is out to steal everything crowd".

Why can't these countries around them in EUROPE do something.... I mean, they are known for handling situations better ....... If you can find a situation that they actually take the lead on.

If it was not America it would be some other country. Some other country is no more moral/fair/perfect/considerate/out to do the right thing than America. What other country has a media that hounds the hell out of everything that happens like here in the U.S. and has the freedom of the press and lawyers and private entities to investigate and hound what their country does in situations like this???
B, if you have noticed the major media outlets are doing little questioning of the government. I have never seen an administration have it better than this one with the media. Look at the heat that Blair is taking on truthfulness on Iraq by the British media compared to Bush by the American media. There is a big difference.

Anyway, here is another story on Liberia.



Aug 22, 1:59 PM EDT

Liberia's Women Warriors Often Feared

Associated Press Writer

TUBMANBURG, Liberia (AP) -- Her uniform is a red beret, spaghetti-strap halter top and black jeans. Her weapons are Kalashnikovs and mortars.

Black Diamond, 22, is a Liberian rebel commander - known by her nom de guerre and feared by friends and foes alike in a war-shattered nation where women and girls are more likely to be victims than avengers.

Whether blasting mortars at enemy troops or slapping down armed looters, she and her all-female Womens' Artillery Commandos fight for revenge, they say, against wrongs by Liberia's brutal government forces.

They don't have to fight for respect; they've already got it.


Liberian Health Minister Peter Coleman, a surgeon and therapist, has encountered a number of female fighters over the years of near constant warfare.

Many told him they were motivated by rage after they or their relatives were sexually assaulted. Others took up arms after being captured to perform domestic and sexual services for male fighters.

"When you think of cooks and sex slaves, it is preferable for many to fight, even if you could be killed," the health minister said.

Others join because "you see other girls in action, they look good and you want to just join them."
