Leo Terrell And Naacp At Odds?!!! Haaaaa!!!!

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The NAACP is currently Mad at Terrell because he is in support of a Conservative Judge's appointment. He has done FREE Legal work for the NAACP for 13 years and was told that he shouldn't support the appointment because the Dem's were against it. He was on Fox last night furious because the NAACP heirachy told him that they had to support the Dems. He constanltly reminds the Dems that doing such partisan Lobbying puts the org's Funding as a non-profit Org in jeapordy.

He also went on to say that the NAACP is nothing more than a Mouthpiece for the Democratic party, and that the NAACP is in the Back Pocket of the Democratic party.

This is the very reason I left the NAACP in 1996. I was county coordinator for the G.O.T.V effort. Specific guidlines state that if we show any partisanship towards getting the vote out for any party that is a direct violation of our non-profit status. But, it always fell upon deaf ears like fraternity hazing.......it's illegal, but people do it anyway. I was reprimanded because I kicked 5 elected officials out of a meeting. Their being there alone would have jeapordized the entire GOTV funding effort.

That was all I needed to see...so I bounced. The NAACP hasn't stood for anything of substance since the Civil Rights Movement.
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
........ The NAACP hasn't stood for anything of substance since the Civil Rights Movement.

I can agree with that. I think that entire organization needs to be revamped. I joined the NAACP back in the 80's and let me tell you, that was a waste of time and money. The branch here in Houston especially had a lot of problems. I don't even know if the NAACP still have a branch here in Houston or not.

Oh, by the way, unlike Dtown Jag, I think your signature sucks. :rolleyes: I know I am going to get killed for that statement. :lmao:

But anyhow, good to see you posting again. Where the hell you been anyway.??????:confused:
Glad to see you blac....errrrrr back :D

I would have to agree with you on the NAACP. :smh: They fight for the wrong people.
The civil rights movement has been stuck in neutral since 1966 after King went to Chicago and the march from Memphis to Jackson, MS. The NAACP does need some catching up to do. I am being nice.

Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
The NAACP is currently Mad at Terrell because he is in support of a Conservative Judge's appointment. He has done FREE Legal work for the NAACP for 13 years and was told that he shouldn't support the appointment because the Dem's were against it. He was on Fox last night furious because the NAACP heirachy told him that they had to support the Dems. He constanltly reminds the Dems that doing such partisan Lobbying puts the org's Funding as a non-profit Org in jeapordy.

He also went on to say that the NAACP is nothing more than a Mouthpiece for the Democratic party, and that the NAACP is in the Back Pocket of the Democratic party.

This is the very reason I left the NAACP in 1996. I was county coordinator for the G.O.T.V effort. Specific guidlines state that if we show any partisanship towards getting the vote out for any party that is a direct violation of our non-profit status. But, it always fell upon deaf ears like fraternity hazing.......it's illegal, but people do it anyway. I was reprimanded because I kicked 5 elected officials out of a meeting. Their being there alone would have jeapordized the entire GOTV funding effort.

That was all I needed to see...so I bounced. The NAACP hasn't stood for anything of substance since the Civil Rights Movement.



(??!! wait a minute,,) :eek2: aaaaugh-DAAAYUM!!!! Now I gotta contend with BOTH extremes of the political spectrum?! (i.e. EB/JSU*Toi etc AND you??!!) What a revolting development. You partisan mugz, I SWEAR! :swink:

The NAACP is cool in small towns of rural Alabama like my home town where there's still basic skirmishes between black citizens and a predominantly white political and business structure (my county is not in the black belt, is 28% black, is a relatively well off rural retirement, farming and military county). The units there members are overwhelmingly the same folk who were members in the 1960s. Not too much young blood. Other than that, your comments I'd concure with. I'd have to rule in favor of Leo on this issue with the NAACP and the conservative judge especially here in California. California generally, the 9th circuit specifically, is an abomination and and embarrassment even to "yellow dog" democrats. This place done gone plum loco. :shame:
Ditto to a major revamping of the NAACP. The Ole Heads from the 60's keep the young voices suppressed. Do you see any young leaders as Chairperson? They want your membership dues and want you to do the grunt work but just keep your mouth shut.

Issues they should be fighting they just keep quite....shhhhh. On the local level the meetings are chaos with people arguing all the time, one hour meetings last 2 hours or longer.....

Anyway :confused:

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Originally posted by Smiley
Ditto to a major revamping of the NAACP. The Ole Heads from the 60's keep the young voices suppressed. Do you see any young leaders as Chairperson? They want your membership dues and want you to do the grunt work but just keep your mouth shut.

Issues they should be fighting they just keep quite....shhhhh. On the local level the meetings are chaos with people arguing all the time, one hour meetings last 2 hours or longer.....

Anyway :confused:

I dunno, I think that could be due to general non-interest from the younger folks. Young folk today are, for the most part, like George Jefferson; got a piece of the pie,, just living life, no real need to be haggling with the NAACP,, so it tends to be a nastaulgic org. that's just a theory on my part; i would welcome commentary, debate.
The NAACP does need to be revamped and modernized. It was never an orgnaization that spoke to the day to day needs of Blacks. The smaller, more local groups are better at that. The NAACP functions better as a legal institute, fighting against the roll-backs in affirmative actions and in other areas. That, and regeristing new voters is what they should focus on.

As far as Leo Terrell is concerned, I'm siding with the NAACP on this one. Not only is Terrell a bit of a loose cannon, but the last thing we need is even more conservative federal judges.
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
The NAACP is currently Mad at Terrell because he is in support of a Conservative Judge's appointment. He has done FREE Legal work for the NAACP for 13 years and was told that he shouldn't support the appointment because the Dem's were against it. He was on Fox last night furious because the NAACP heirachy told him that they had to support the Dems. He constanltly reminds the Dems that doing such partisan Lobbying puts the org's Funding as a non-profit Org in jeapordy.

He also went on to say that the NAACP is nothing more than a Mouthpiece for the Democratic party, and that the NAACP is in the Back Pocket of the Democratic party.

This is the very reason I left the NAACP in 1996. I was county coordinator for the G.O.T.V effort. Specific guidlines state that if we show any partisanship towards getting the vote out for any party that is a direct violation of our non-profit status. But, it always fell upon deaf ears like fraternity hazing.......it's illegal, but people do it anyway. I was reprimanded because I kicked 5 elected officials out of a meeting. Their being there alone would have jeapordized the entire GOTV funding effort.

That was all I needed to see...so I bounced. The NAACP hasn't stood for anything of substance since the Civil Rights Movement.

Touche'...just because something is done a certain way over a period time does not negate the need for intermittent evaluation and potential change.