Lawd Ham mercy Janet Jackson...

There's a hotel one block up the street from PNTs (not that I'd know anything about the extracurricular stuff that goes on after the gulz get off). :emlaugh:

C'mon out man. Just ONCE this week. I feel you on the babies that cry off Lamar. Haven't been there in a minute. It's just that we can have s-e-x, I mean, look @ others having s-e-x in that one corner of PNTs. :emlaugh:

I can't go back to UTB. :eek2: I had to roll around in the grass/dirt after I left that place one early morning. I smelled like badussy from head to toe. LOL

OFFICIAL TSPN GET TOGETHER... 02/19/2002 @ Peep-N-Toms. Grand Prairie, Texas @ 8:00 pm. Be there, or be a$$ out!!!! :emlaugh:</b>

Let me know which night you all plan on going. I used to hang out at THE PEEPS when I first moved to Dallas. There was this one girl who could make her thingy snap on your leg without moving. I can't explain it.

Originally posted by Panthro
There's a hotel one block up the street. :emlaugh:

C'mon out man. Just ONCE this week. I feel you on the babies that cry off Lamar. Haven't been there in a minute. It's just that we can have s-e-x, I mean, look @ others having s-e-x in that one corner of PNTs. :emlaugh:

I can't go back to UTB. :eek2: I had to roll around in the grass/dirt after I left that place one early morning. I smelled like badussy from head to toe. LOL
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We doin' it TONIGHT!!!

Get your arse in high gear and do 360 south!!!! It's ON!!!! Man, I saw the "clapper" in there last Fri night and I was like this --->:eek2:: <b>"Come hea gul!!"</b> :mad: *she does her thing* and then I give her a standing ovation ...... w/out tipping and she was like this -----> :mad:.