Jesse is an Extortionist and Exploiter


Well-Known Member
Jesse Jackson is only concerned about how he can directly or indirectly (via PUSH/Rainbow) benefit from racial disparity issues. He does not have the black communities best interest at heart. I was told this by a college professor but was not certain at the time. Many years later, Jesse's actions still appear selfishly motivated.

He exploits the plight of the black community. I have heard that PUSH was given atleast $250,000 to supervise the deliverence of eye care to Chicago innercity youth. However, only 25 youth received any care.
Originally posted by pantherprowl
Jesse Jackson is only concerned about how he can directly or indirectly (via PUSH/Rainbow) benefit from racial disparity issues. He does not have the black communities best interest at heart. I was told this by a college professor but was not certain at the time. Many years later, Jesse's actions still appear selfishly motivated.

He exploits the plight of the black community. I have heard that PUSH was given atleast $250,000 to supervise the deliverence of eye care to Chicago innercity youth. However, only 25 youth received any care.

I don't like Jesse but I respect him for the strides that he has please provide PROOF....we have a enough hearsay in the Black Community already.

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I feel that Jesse Jackson has done some good things for this nation,i.e.,freeing hostages and the Black Navy pilot from several years ago.But I became leery of Jesse when it was reported that he claimed he had Dr. King's blood on him the night that he was assassinated,but eye witnesses were able to dispel that notion.Much of what Jesse has done has been self serving.
Dr. King did not die a rich man,but Jesse will.I don't think that people who are suppose to be working to improve the plight of mankind should be bargaining for themselves.
The eye care incident was made public on Fox News by a former supporter of Jesse.

While an employee at Boeing, legal documents were sent me and all black employees at the company for inclusion in a class action law suit against Boeing. Jesse got more money for than many of the litigants. Once he found out that Boeing was being sued he jumped on the band wagon.
I agree that Jesse only seems to be out for himself. Anytime some black person makes a claim, here he comes ranting and yelling doing more harm than good. Look at the Slyvester Croom situation down at the U. of Alabama. Everyone and their mama knew (even alot of the extremely light skinned people) that he was the best person for the job. All of a sudden hear comes Jesse in there trying to say that we are going to boycott U of A and all that yada yada yada.

Why was he even there? Thanks to the national media (esp ESPN) the nation sees how backwards the powers to be in the SEC are. The SEC has already lost several recruits because of this.

Jesse to me just seems to make a bad situation worse. I lost all respect for him when he went to council Bill about Monica. Come to find out he has been sowing wild oats all around the place.

He and Al Sharpton are like leeches living off of their connection with MLK to make themselves richer.
Originally posted by wbishop3

I lost all respect for him when he went to council Bill about Monica. Come to find out he has been sowing wild oats all around the place.

That's when I lost respect for him also.
Originally posted by Butch Wms.
I would like to see Jesse just gracefully back away from public life and stay out of the spotlight for a minute.:idea:

I'd like to see Jessie actually have a church that he preaches in every sunday. He's a reverend right? :confused: Same for Dullton.