Jeb Bush verses Hillary Clinton. Log it.


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Rumblings now are that good ole Jeb is the hier apparent to Bush 43. First of all,, has there ever been a family that can bost of a father-son-son presidency??? these dayum Bush mugz,, good gosh (if Jeb can defeat Hillary)!! can you imagine laying back,, saying at the family re-union,,,, "yep,, my grandad, dad and uncle were presidents of these here United States."??? Never mind that, how bought president of your university?

Now we all know that B43 is going to annialate whoever the opposition is in 2004, so that sets things up nicely for 2008. B43 has to go and there will be a change in republican leadership. Enter Jeb. Then you have Jeb verses Hillary(assuming the reps will rubber stamp Jeb) who we all know is just whittling on a stick,, just biding her time, letting these idiots and imbeciles in the current democratic crab bucket go to the sacrificial alter to be slaughtered, before busting out and running in 2008. This will be epic. Hillary is very savy, but there should be (based on current situations) strong support to continue the republican tide. 2008 is going to be, if things go as they are looking, the most historic, epic presidential campaign in the history of this nation.
The only way Hillary would win is if she distances herself from her husband. Now we know tha there are many people who would vote for Clinton again....but Hillary was more of criminal than her husband.

Also, Jeb is more of a competent political figure than his brother. He went to another entire state to become Governor and make a name for himself.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
The only way Hillary would win is if she distances herself from her husband. Now we know tha there are many people who would vote for Clinton again....but Hillary was more of criminal than her husband.

Also, Jeb is more of a competent political figure than his brother. He went to another entire state to become Governor and make a name for himself.

,,,,,,,,,, ok, how about Jeb verse NotSoSharpton???? :rolleyes: I can't wait to see Hillary try to PC-side-step the good reverend "#2".

:bump: This is going to be great television.
As a Florida resident, let me just say that Jeb will not be ready for 2008. Just not ready. He needs a term in the Senate first.