Is Angela Basset Just Hatin?


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By BILL HOFFMANN 6/24/02 Page Six

Angela Bassett has come out swinging against Halle Berry and her Oscar-winning performance in "Monster's Ball" - saying it's demeaning for black actresses to play sluts.
Bassett tells Newsweek she turned down a chance to play the lead because "I wasn't going to be a prostitute on film.

"I couldn't do that because it's such a stereotype about black women and sexuality."

Berry made history as the first black woman to win an Academy Award, as a waitress who has a tortured affair with the racist, death-row prison guard who executed her cop-killer husband.

Her explicit nude romp with Billy Bob Thornton is considered one of the hottest love scenes ever seen in a mainstream Hollywood flick.

Bassett's remarks are puzzling because Berry does not play a hooker in the film, but rather a single mom down on her luck who seeks physical comfort.

Bassett, 43, insists she doesn't begrudge Berry for taking the part she rejected.

"It wasn't the role for me, but I told her she'd win, and I told her to get what was hers. Of course I want [an Oscar]. But it has to be for something I can sleep with at night," she tells Newsweek.

Berry's spokeswoman, Karen Sanfilippo, had no comment, saying "those are Angela's remarks. She should address them."
I turned that part down as well, because they wanted to pay me too much money ...

Originally posted by THAMES
By BILL HOFFMANN 6/24/02 Page Six

Angela Bassett has come out swinging against Halle Berry and her Oscar-winning performance in "Monster's Ball" - saying it's demeaning for black actresses to play sluts.
Bassett tells Newsweek she turned down a chance to play the lead because "I wasn't going to be a prostitute on film.

Sure, Angela. YOU turned that part down. I don't see any difference between getting sexed down by Billy and getting BEAT DOWN by Ike ... uhhh ... Larry ... um, excuse me, LAWRENCE Fishburne ...

WHATeva ...


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I Agree With Angela to an Extent

I understand Angela's point. Halle recieved no recognition before she was taking off clothes. When she decided to show some breast and have a sex scene with Billy Bob she recieved all the credit.:idea:

No as far as Denzel is concerned he crossed over and played a part that he has never played before. Halle, well, in my opinion she just wanted to show her body, which of course is un-called for. :eek:
I understand her point too. The script sucked. The movie was horrible. It started and ended f'd up. Other than the soft porn sex scene...I could have been watching reruns of the hockey game. I fail to see how she won an Oscar for that ish. She should have won for Losing Isaiah if anything.
I don't think that she is hating... Halle was the 4th black actress chosen for that role. And all of them said the same thing that they felt like the sex in the movie was too much and that they would not do it. But it does say alot for the only way for you to get credit is to do a sex screen which was so over the top. :rolleyes:
More than Angela is hatin'...

We had this debate when Halle won the Oscar. No amount of distraction and/or distractors can take away her Oscar.

And just think, in her acceptance speech she gave honor to other black actresses and NAMED Angela.

Funny, Angela accepted a role in a movie that portrayed a black man who is abusive, adulterous, rapist, coke head, loud, ignant and portrayed a black woman who was simple minded, co-dependent, door mat, sniveling, martyr syndrome, getting her ass kicked for breakfast lunch and dinner. Are these roles stereotypical? You betcha! But she didn't get an Oscar.

Funny, Angela played the lover of a white man and had love scenes with him. Are these roles stereotypical? You betcha! But she didn't get an Oscar

Envy thy name is woman. :tdown:
I don't think I would call the remarks hatin, or envious so much as I would say they are insensitive. I think she ia more knocking the role ( for which i have yet to see the movie). So far I have gotten mixed reviews about Monstor's Ball and Halle's performance.

And as far as her playing Tina Turner that was a story that needed to be told. I was a true life story so stop knocking her for that.

Hell what abot Danny Glover beating the hell out of Whoppi.
Stop Hatin on Angela!

Tina Turner was NOT the stereotypical beaten wife role. She turned herself around and not only fought back against Ike but she worked to become even more popular and successful than she ever was with Ike. For Angela to play that role was showing the strength a woman can have to rise above her situation. There should be NO SHAME in portraying that role.

Halle's is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. At the end of Monster's Ball, there's no telling what she rose above, if anything. Moreso, it made me wonder if she wasn't just falling from one bad situation into another. I don't knock her role cause it speaks to the hurt that many people face, but why does she have to be BUTT NEKKID & FREAKY to win an Oscar? Angela's point is totally valid - that should NOT be what Black women have to "aspire" to if they want the accolade.

I need to see Losing Isaiah. Other than that movie, I can't think of anything Halle's done on the silver screen that's worthy of an Oscar. Small screen, definitely (Queen, Dorothy Dandrige), but not in the movies. And what will she do now that she has the Oscar? A remake of Foxy Brown? :rolleyes: What was the point of getting that glorified paperweight again?
I saw the movie two weeks ago, and Halle did an excellent job. Sure, she showed her ass, but her ass and tits were out in the movie about Dorothy Dandridge. So her winning just because she showed her ass for the 2nd a stupid and null point.

On top of that, the script was fine. It was a twisted love story. Out of this turmoil with her husband (Puffy) getting Kilt...Yeah, I said KILT....She was a single Mom trying to make it.

It was coincidence OR fate that the guard who WAS racist (because his daddy was) is the same guy who lead her deathrow husband to the 'lectric chair. She was hurting over being a single struggling mom with a dead husband...

The guard was hurtin' over the fact that his very son who DID not want to be racist, killed himself in front of him and the racist Grandpa...

Well the love he had for "Latisha" outshined ALL of that hate... In the end, it was love that mattered most... He overcame his teachings......

You have to see the story and view it really was a great story and she did a marvelous job...

I don't know if Angela was envious or just insensitive...Perhaps it was her PERCEPTION that the roll was slutty... It really was not... You have to see it to believe it.
Angela can continue looking at herself in the mirror.

Halle's gonna keep looking at that statuette she got.
I wouldn't view Angela's statements as hate, but more envy. I would agree that, that particular role wasn't for her, but that's not a knock against Halle either.

It's not like she went out looking for a white man in the movie, or she chased Thornton's character. The way I viewed it, was a frustrated woman, who'd just lost her husband, her son, her job, and on the verge of losing her house, all in the course of 2 days, and finally when someone showed her some kindness, and sympathy, she took out all of her pain on him, he just happened to be white.

As far as Angela Bassett, I remember she played a chauffer in "Strange Days", in which she was in love with a white man, who didn't want her. She bent over backwards for that man, and even got beatdown by the police for him, all for a man who was an addict, who was in love with a woman that didn't want him.

Not to mention, she was Robert DeNiro's woman in "The Score", again, a black woman in love with a white thief. Hell if she wanted a theif, she could've found that in the hood.

There have been numerous actors/actresses, who've played roles that have catupaulted their careers, look what spreading her legs open for a split second did for Sharon Stone's career, and how many slut roles did Demi Moore play, before she became one of Hollywood's leading ladies?

Hell, Ving Rhames had to get phugged in the arse, before he got some play, and out of all the movies Samuel L. Jackson had roles in, it was a Jheri Curled head hitman, that put him in demand. Let's not forget Morgan Freeman's role in "Driving Miss Daisy." How many people called him a sellout for that role?

My point is, actors/actresses have to do what works for them, and if it's fine by them, then phugg it, it's cool with me.

Maybe we could give Spike Lee a call, and sugges he make Halle, & Samuel crackheads again, in his next feature?

Don't Hate the player, hate the game

Originally posted by DtownJag

We're our own worst critic.

Orignially posted by NASTYNUPE
She should have won for Losing Isaiah if anything.

I agree 1000% with the 2 quotes above!

I never give that much credit to a story where a newspaper wrote what somebody supposedly had said. Sometimes I don't give that much credit to an interview on I see on TV either. Maybe Miss Bassett is not criticizing Halle Berry, she might be venting her disgust on how the game is played on Black actors in Hollywood. Without hearing Angela Bassett's full interview,UN-EDITED, I can't give an opinion. So that's why I always use caution when I hear or read about our people comments in the media. A lot of innocent people are dead because of what they had supposedly said or done.

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Re: I Agree With Angela to an Extent

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
I understand Angela's point. Halle recieved no recognition before she was taking off clothes. When she decided to show some breast and have a sex scene with Billy Bob she recieved all the credit.:idea:

No as far as Denzel is concerned he crossed over and played a part that he has never played before. Halle, well, in my opinion she just wanted to show her body, which of course is un-called for. :eek:

I agree with Angela's point as well. I did not go see that movie due to the content of it. I just did not agree with her fallin in love with the white prison guard that put her husband to death. The role was kinda low. I think Halle Is a great actress........but this role is one of her low points.
I saw "Losing Isaiah" and Halle wasn't all that in that movie.

As for Bassett, it sounds like sour grapes, to me. Why is that the only roles that "we" want "us" to play are these so-called "positive" roles??? Aren't there black sluts walking around here??? Angela Basset played in "Vampire in Brooklyn". She hardly has grounds to talk about any other role.

Halle took on a role that she felt was challenging to her. I hear she played the role well. But "we" need to quit acting all high and mighty, as if what she played doesn't exist in "our" world. I can step outside right now and find a sista that fits the exact bill that Halle played in Monster's Ball. Y'all can, too.
Re: Don't Hate the player, hate the game

Originally posted by pbla
Maybe Miss Bassett is not criticizing Halle Berry, she might be venting her disgust on how the game is played on Black actors in Hollywood.


I just don't wanna see Black folks taking anything they can get. I actually thought Monster's Ball was an interesting movie in that makes you think or at least feel the pain that people are experiencing, regardless of race. But it really makes me wonder what Hollywood expects out of "us" to give us the credit we're due. I really hope Halle can follow this up with more of the strong roles she's been fighting for.
Great points Robber, and I feel ya, every role that comes along is not going to be positive, and I'm not saying that we need to take anything that they give us, but come on folk, let's be real about this.

If we only take certain roles, movies like "Roots", "Amistad", & "Glory", would not have been made, because we are too good to play slaves.

I don't know how many of you actually saw the movie, but Halle's character didn't know that the prison guard was the executioner of her husband, she didn't find out until after she moved in with him.

Which by the way, came after he bought the gas station that she hated, and turned it into a restaurant, and named it after her, gave her his dead son's truck, because her car died, put his father into a black old folks home, and moved her into his house, that he repainted, to erase all of those bad memories after her house was foreclosed.

I know a lot of sluts that are with black men, and they don't do half the stuff ol boy did for her.

There's more depth to this movie, than just her having sex with a white man.

Originally posted by Robber
I saw "Losing Isaiah" and Halle wasn't all that in that movie.

As for Bassett, it sounds like sour grapes, to me. Why is that the only roles that "we" want "us" to play are these so-called "positive" roles??? Aren't there black sluts walking around here??? Angela Basset played in "Vampire in Brooklyn". She hardly has grounds to talk about any other role.

Halle took on a role that she felt was challenging to her. I hear she played the role well. But "we" need to quit acting all high and mighty, as if what she played doesn't exist in "our" world. I can step outside right now and find a sista that fits the exact bill that Halle played in Monster's Ball. Y'all can, too.

I Agree! We want all of our actors to play roles that folks see while looking through rose colored glasses.
I just wish that some people had a higher self-esteem and not get upset over Hollywood stereotypes. It was a dayummmed movie for goodness sakes. I saw Spiderman too, but I aint gonna try and climb a skyscraper though.

Originally posted by mighty hornet


I blame the conservatives for Angela Bassett's lil feeble attempt to hide her obvious envy.


Yeah man, those HOLLYWOOD conservatives are hatin again.

:D :D :D
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
I just wish that some people had a higher self-esteem and not get upset over Hollywood stereotypes. It was a dayummmed movie for goodness sakes. I saw Spiderman too, but I aint gonna try and climb a skyscraper though.
