I'm curious about something....


Active Member
There is a major effort underway by a large contingent of conservatives in The Golden State to oust Gov. Gray Davis. Their claim is that the previous election should be recalled, because, as they say, he didn't actually win it! The unmittigated gall of the California repubs!

Well, after I was awakened by the scent of amonia, following a fainting spell, I suddenly became curious about something....."why can't we do this with the current selected president?"
Was he not "placed" in the White House by the Suspect Court, rather than the actual vote of the citizens of this nation? Should we call for his dismissal? Afterall, who REALLY has grounds here?

What do you guys think?
I think it's a little late. 2004 is next year. This time next year we'll be gearing up for conventions and primaries will be over. We should be looking to the future and not worrying about the past. Our best offense is defend against something like 2000 happening again.

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It's a classic pandora's box.

The republicans here have been on this guy's ***** more than JSU on ASU, more than ASU on me any time I have an ASU take, more than SU on anybody anytime anybody says anything not in lock-step with their vision of SU. I am in the Bay Area where the recall started,,, on AM 560 KSFO. They were running recall smack from day one.

I would have to concure with some of the more level heads here. If this is successfull,, it will set a president, there will be revenge on the democratic side. The reps here are all gun-ho for this recall, but in the future when the dems do the same to a republican governor, then it's going to be dem sour grapes, etc just like now with Bush in office and the dems cock-blockin' all his judicial nominees JUST LIKE THE REPS COCK-BLOCKED ALL OF CLINTON'S NOMINEES,, or all these cries about "dem hatred of Bush". WELL DUH??!!! :confused: like the reps didn't/don't HATE Clinton/Hillary to the core. :rolleyes:

Politics is something. As I said to Makaho Bedrock until I was blue in the face,,, both extremes SUCK and are the biggest problem. Neither of the extremist elements of either side have all the answers. The right answers are a mixture of the two. If people realize that, this country would last indefinitely, but that won't happen, so we will go the way of England(they would be history were it not for the U.S.), Rome, etc, blah, blah.