I clean and declutter other people's homes. Here are 5 tips you can use while decluttering your own spaces.

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

Don't buy storage solutions in advance​

We all love The Container Store. I get it. I used to go there during the weeks after college graduation just to feel less stressed. I strolled through the aisles and was calmed by the matching baskets and logical closet setups.

But a set of perfectly labeled storage bins may not be the panacea standing between you and serenity, and you won't know until you finish getting rid of all the clutter and actually see what you have left. Until then, the boxes will be nothing more than additional clutter.

Tackle closets and drawers first​

You know your junk drawer? It's aptly named, and yes, probably full of junk. Like actual trash. Old receipts, dead batteries, rubber bands, business cards from five jobs ago. But the drawer itself is valuable, as is the closet that you stuff things into when you're not sure where else to put them.

Start with all the spaces that can be used for storage. Cabinets, medicine closets, bookshelves, desk drawers — dump them out one at a time and go through them piece by piece. Divide it by what you want to keep, what you want to donate or give to someone you know, and what you want to trash.