I Asked 6 Chefs the Best Way To Cook Bacon—They All Said the Same Thing

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

The Best Way To Cook Bacon, According to Chefs​

For a hands-off, splatter-free bacon cooking, all of the chefs and cooking experts I spoke to agree: Cooking bacon in the oven is the best method.

Not only is it great for cleanup, but the bacon cooks evenly and creates that perfect crispy consistency you’re likely looking for, instead of having some uncooked or burnt parts of your slice from the stovetop or microwave. Plus, it leaves you free to prepare the other parts of your meal, whether it’s a big batch of scrambled eggs or assembling ingredients for sandwiches, like a grilled cheese BLT or smashburgers.

While each chef has a different way of cooking their bacon in the oven, generally, they all recommended lining a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and then spreading the slices of bacon in a single layer. Bake in the oven at 350°F for 25 to 30 minutes or 375° for 15 to 20 minutes. The exact time it will take to cook your bacon will depend on the thickness of the slices.

Chef Rose says it’s still best to place the slices on a plate lined with clean paper towels to drain the excess fat when the bacon is finished.
Yessir. That's the way to do it. oven or on the Blackstone.......perfect bacon.
My blood pressure will only allow me to eat bacon about 3 time a year. But when I cook it, I always cook it in the oven. I use my 9x13 baking pan, put a rack on the bottom of the pan, and lay the bacon on the rack so the grease drip into the bottom of the pan.

Oh, and pardon my ignorance but what the hell is a Blackstone?
My blood pressure will only allow me to eat bacon about 3 time a year. But when I cook it, I always cook it in the oven. I use my 9x13 baking pan, put a rack on the bottom of the pan, and lay the bacon on the rack so the grease drip into the bottom of the pan.

Oh, and pardon my ignorance but what the hell is a Blackstone?
Whaaaaaat?! my brotha, do yourself a favor if you like to cook. Check out a breakfast on the Blackstone video on youtube. Outdoor griddle. I love to do breakfast for the family on mine. Or fried rice, philly cheesteaks, you name it.......
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I eat bacon every day. I dread the day when the doctor tells me to start eating turkey bacon or no bacon at all. Right now, the only recommendation is to eat fish several times a week.
When making breakfast for myself, I place two slices between to bounty paper towels on my bacon platter. Set the microwave for two minutes and cook. Afterwards, flip the two paper towel over at the same time with the bacon still between them. Set the microwave for 1 more minute and voila, perfect bacon ever time. The paper towels absorb a great deal of the grease. Separate the towels immediately after complete to avoid the bacon from sticking to the paper towels.