Hurley staying at UConn

$75,000,000.00??? Well, I guess Hurley figured, money ain't everything.
Remember he would be in California, which has some high state taxes and then factor in having to pay state taxes on each of the states that he coaches in, then that 75 million is not what he is going to be pocketing for life of his contract.
I never thought about that.

From my understanding ALL players have to pay that as well in all pro-sports. So it's not just coaches. There is a reason folks stay in Texas.

31 teams (3 in the same state to somewhat avoid that tax) 29 teams (3 in the same state-Texas) (2 in Florida). Imagine what that would be when Vegas gets a team and Seattle comes back.

And what freedoms would Hurley lose dealing with youknowwho.
He was smart to turn down the job with the LA because at the end of the day he would be judge by if he could win with a team that he would have a hard time shaping to what he wants due to varies things. I think if the Supersonics comes back as an expansion team, he would be more willing to take that job because he could actually build the team from the ground up and would not have to deal with superstar player and their agency influence of demanding bad deals for a win now approach (but when that does not work out the coach and gm are the ones on the hot seat).