Howard coach trying to sell stake in program for 100 million dollars đź’¸

Help me out....apparently I am out of touch with the new college athletics landscape....

Question 1 - How does a "coach" even enter into these type of negotiations on behalf of the university?

Questions 2 - When did college teams become the property of the coach?

Question 3 - Who are these investors that negotiate investment deals with coaches and not the university?

Question 4 - Is any of this even legal from a NCAA or University perspective? 🤔

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The Howard basketball Coach has no authority to negotiation on the school behalf for his proposal and was basically stating an option to a media outlet as a way to secure funds for Howard basketball.

What is troubling for MEAC fans would be the part of him saying he is looking to leave the MEAC conference. It would not surprise me if the Coach is thinking that if Howard basketball was successful enough that he could get Howard into the Big East conference, which has a pretty good media deal by being just a basketball conference.

Where his proposal makes no sense is how does he value 33 percent of Howard Basketball at 100 million given that Howard basketball revenue is small.

To be honest I doubt the NCAA would allow a University to sell any part of the schools sports team, but I could see a school reaching an investment agreement with an entity for funding, which said entity getting a percentage of the revenue generated by the school sports team or athletic department in return. Such agreements already exist with the selling of sponsorships, where a company gets a percentage of the sponsorships revenue that they bring into the school in lieu of payment from the schools for its' services.

The overall question, for me, is how does the Howard Coach think he would find someone that would be willing to invest that much money into Howard basketball that has any hopes of making their money back during their life time?

I believe FIU reach a deal with Pitbull, an entertainer, to name their football stadium after him for a five year agreement for 1.5 million per year. This style of agreement is similar to what NFL teams do for the naming rights of the stadium.

I think the best example of someone getting a return on investment is Phil Knight with the University of Oregon, but the difference is that he owns Nike and thus can make money off of selling Oregon apparel to the general public indirectly. Also, he has enough money he can care less if makes a return on his investment and there is a youtube video that shows that Nike uses Oregon athletics as a way to develop its' products (thus another indirect way Phil, thought Nike, is making their money back).

Ultimately any type of deal would require Howard basketball hold of their end of winning on regular basis and doing well in the NCAA tournament to raise their basketball profile. The time is now for Howard, as if the president of the USA ends up being VP Harris, I can see that helping in getting funds to Howard. Look how much former President Trump family has made off him being president directly and indirectly.

I know one thing, if VP Harris does become President, Howard needs to be looking for a way to get Harris Presidential Library on Campus like how George Bush Sr. has his on the Texas A and M campus.

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The Howard basketball Coach has no authority to negotiation on the school behalf for his proposal and was basically stating an option to a media outlet as a way to secure funds for Howard basketball.

What is troubling for MEAC fans would be the part of him saying he is looking to leave the MEAC conference. It would not surprise me if the Coach is thinking that if Howard basketball was successful enough that he could get Howard into the Big East conference, which has a pretty good media deal by being just a basketball conference.

Where his proposal makes no sense is how does he value 33 percent of Howard Basketball at 100 million given that Howard basketball revenue is small.

To be honest I doubt the NCAA would allow a University to sell any part of the schools sports team, but I could see a school reaching an investment agreement with an entity for funding, which said entity getting a percentage of the revenue generated by the school sports team or athletic department in return. Such agreements already exist with the selling of sponsorships, where a company gets a percentage of the sponsorships revenue that they bring into the school in lieu of payment from the schools for its' services.

The overall question, for me, is how does the Howard Coach think he would find someone that would be willing to invest that much money into Howard basketball that has any hopes of making their money back during their life time?

I believe FIU reach a deal with Pitbull, an entertainer, to name their football stadium after him for a five year agreement for 1.5 million per year. This style of agreement is similar to what NFL teams do for the naming rights of the stadium.

I think the best example of someone getting a return on investment is Phil Knight with the University of Oregon, but the difference is that he owns Nike and thus can make money off of selling Oregon apparel to the general public indirectly. Also, he has enough money he can care less if makes a return on his investment and there is a youtube video that shows that Nike uses Oregon athletics as a way to develop its' products (thus another indirect way Phil, thought Nike, is making their money back).

Ultimately any type of deal would require Howard basketball hold of their end of winning on regular basis and doing well in the NCAA tournament to raise their basketball profile. The time is now for Howard, as if the president of the USA ends up being VP Harris, I can see that helping in getting funds to Howard. Look how much former President Trump family has made off him being president directly and indirectly.

I know one thing, if VP Harris does become President, Howard needs to be looking for a way to get Harris Presidential Library on Campus like how George Bush Sr. has his on the Texas A and M campus.

That presidential library is dope at A&M. I’ve also gone to Clinton’s. I’d love to take a couple of years to visit all of them.