How Much Allowance Did You Get During Your Formative Years?uEa


Well-Known Member
was it enough?

I got .50 a week and had to take my lunch to school. Only the rich kids knew about welfare and the free lunch program.
What's an allowance?

I got $3 - 5 dollars a day for lunch, and I got money whenever I asked for it. I wasn't trying to hear that "allowance" mess.

*The Diva was kinda spoileded*
My allowance was waged against my grades. In Junior High it was anywhere between $5-$25. In Senior High, $25-$50.

When my great-grandmother was living, it really didn't matter what my parents gave me, because my Nanny (May she RIP) spoiled me rotten.

In high school , $20 every other Wednesday. In college, $200 a month, plus my expenses. In law school, 0000000000. Not a thing.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, the memories...
Allowance? Let me research this unfamiliar term
and I'll get back with you.
Allowance?!?!?! Like WJMI says..........

<b>What the "L" is it?!?!"</b>

My allowance was what ever I earned from cutting the yard (or my neighbor's yard), washing dishes, or cleaning up around the house.

Even now, my allowance is <b>however much money I make every week from my job!!!</b>
I didn't receive an allowance, but I didn't hurt for cash as a child. When I was in high school, I got a job because I never liked asking my mom for money. She would give it to me sometimes without me saying anything, especially if something was coming up and she knew I was short.

And 'Nita, we knew you were spoiled a long time ago. But thanks for telling us. :D :D
Well in high school, I got 30 dollas a week for lunch, but I made females buy me lunch so I just kept that. I had a lil illegal hustle on the side for spare change.
I wouldn't call it an allowance... but some people in my family would treat me to money based on my grades... How much? I don't know.

If/when I visited my uncles and aunts, all of them would hand me 5 or 10....some times I left with as much as 60 bucks....

I did not have a steady allowance....My aunt who was a school teacher in my school always bought my lunch time snacks.
Originally posted by TSU/BAMA

:emlaugh: :emlaugh: Same here mighty hornet.

What they said. Zero dollars and zero cents. I was told that it was part of my transitioning to manhood @ the ripe old age of 9+ years old. :rolleyes:

My parents said they "allowed us" to live with them and that was plenty enough. No child labor laws applied in our house! THey didn't pay us for jack itch.:p
No allowance....I had my own J-O-B, but I did get lunch money. Now what I did with that lunch money was my business.

Wheeeew! I'm not trying to brag....But I guess ONE DAY I'll get a JOB...Yep, I'm in college and never had a job in my life! I just live off my parents...but then again. It's not a such a GREAT THING!!! Gotta do GOOD THINGS to recieve REWARDS or I'll have to join the ARMY! Lord knows that I wouldn't LAST! :D

P.S. Yeah, I'm spoiled like VINITA! :p