Homosexuality 'Born' with it or 'Buck with it?


The One....The Only
Are homosexuals meerly chance victims of a genetic 'glitch' beyond their control?

Or. . . .

Is this a 'lifestyle choice'?

Your thoughts?
Born with it......................no.:headphone
If that's the case, then these EXTRA SMART IDIOT's can make the case that a lot of blacks are "born" with a genetic bug that makes us more violent. :what:

Remember that bullshat? :nod2:
Remember everyone saying he!! no?:nod2:

It's a lifestyle choice.............:nod2:
That is all.:wavey:

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staggalee83 said:
Born with it......................no.
That is all.:wavey:

I would think that one was born with it before choosing it. None of us have the same likes and dislikes sexually. However, the suggestion that one can flip a coin and not only have sex with but actually ENJOY sex with the same sex is ludicris to me. Also, there is probably not one right answer. It could be anything from a chemical imbalance to a mental illness...neither of which can be credited to choice.
I'm leaning towards, Lifestyle Choice, but every now and then you'll run across a young male that makes you say, "something ain't quite right about that boy..."
Lifestyle choice...how you goin be born to fugg some man in the but? Picture them 2 negroes in my signature fugging each other.
For those who say it's a choice, let me ask....why do you think that people would CHOOSE a lifestyle that they know they would be ridiculed, or possibly even KILLED for?

For those of us men who are attracted to women, and women who are attracted to men, do you know WHY your orientation is such? All we know is that we like the other, and that's simply how we've always felt. I don't think those who are attracted to the same gender are any different.

I guess I've never let the issue consume me so much to the point, that I've given it that much thought.
AAMU Alum said:
For those who say it's a choice, let me ask....why do you think that people would CHOOSE a lifestyle that they know they would be ridiculed, or possibly even KILLED for?

Same reason people choose to do anything else that will be ridiculed. They don't care.
How many of us know some little kid (say boy) who is under the age of 10 that is a little more femine than the other boys? How do you explain that?
This topic is forever popping up, these days...I guess it's because we have so many damn gays now.

anywho, I don't know the answer to the question...I believe it's more of a lifestyle choice than genetics. I just can't see passing on gayness...don't believe it lies w/i the bloodstream. **shrugs shoulders**
jelli said:
How many of us know some little kid (say boy) who is under the age of 10 that is a little more femine than the other boys? How do you explain that?

He ain't gay until he CHOOSES to let another man...you get the picture.
jag4life said:
He ain't gay until he CHOOSES to let another man...you get the picture.

That is not true. If that's the case, you were not straight until you first got some poon tang. :nod2:

Actually, I am quite shocked by the responses by my educated sisters and brothers. Don't ya'll watch Oprah??? LOL

I don't think you can group a lifestyle choice like drinking, smoking, drugs, etc... with being gay. If it is a lifestyle choice then why can people stop compulsive gambling, drinking, smoking, etc but not being gay. Can you stop being straight? I almost want to call some of you ignorant.
jelli said:
How many of us know some little kid (say boy) who is under the age of 10 that is a little more femine than the other boys? How do you explain that?

That's what has me a little puzzled.

A guy I worked with says he knew something was different about him from back when he was a little kid. He said he was teased in elemetary school all the time because they said he acted like a girl. His last name is Skaggs and he said the kids always changed his name to Faggs.
Honestly, I heard a sermon preached by Dr. Ed Young of Second Baptist Church www.second.org here in Houston titled "HOMOSEXUALITY THE BATTLE for NORMALCY"
He provided answers to 3 huge myths about homosexuality from:

I cannot begin to hit the surface from a keyboard on all what was preached. However, he had a phenomenol sermon about it. I had even passed it on to people who were either struggling with homosexuality or homophobia or knew someone who was. Or you if you just want to be a little more literate about homosexuality., I would highly recommend this to you.

I have not heard one preacher come close to breaking it down as Dr. Young did !!

However, I believe that homosexuality is a choice.

I wanted to provide the link so you guys can check it out. However, it's not available online anymore. However if anyone is interested you can call the church and order a copy for 4.95.

CAll... 713 465-3408 ext 2270
and ask for audio for sermon titled "HOMOSEXUALITY THE BATTLE for NORMALCY"

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AAMU Alum said:
For those who say it's a choice, let me ask....why do you think that people would CHOOSE a lifestyle that they know they would be ridiculed, or possibly even KILLED for?

For those of us men who are attracted to women, and women who are attracted to men, do you know WHY your orientation is such? All we know is that we like the other, and that's simply how we've always felt. I don't think those who are attracted to the same gender are any different.

I guess I've never let the issue consume me so much to the point, that I've given it that much thought.

Ummm Christians are being killed for our beliefs.

I am attracted to women because when I was little I thought girls were pretty. Also, my dad used to always touch my mother booty and she used to stick her hands in his back pockets. so my thinking was women are the way to go. there was explanantion required.

Yet, in homosexual house holds they have a wealth of explaining to do tot their children.
Tigerpride said:
That is not true. If that's the case, you were not straight until you first got some poon tang. :nod2:

Actually, I am quite shocked by the responses by my educated sisters and brothers. Don't ya'll watch Oprah??? LOL

I don't think you can group a lifestyle choice like drinking, smoking, drugs, etc... with being gay. If it is a lifestyle choice then why can people stop compulsive gambling, drinking, smoking, etc but not being gay. Can you stop being straight? I almost want to call some of you ignorant.
Well TP, I believe most of us are ignorant, on this topic, unless you're actually gay. I am NOT gay, so I am ignorant...but, we all have our own beliefs and opinions about the subject. Who made you such an expert, on the topic? Are you gay? Not being facetious, just asking...since you seem to think you're right and most of us are wrong.
AAMU Alum said:
For those who say it's a choice, let me ask....why do you think that people would CHOOSE a lifestyle that they know they would be ridiculed, or possibly even KILLED for?

For those of us men who are attracted to women, and women who are attracted to men, do you know WHY your orientation is such? All we know is that we like the other, and that's simply how we've always felt. I don't think those who are attracted to the same gender are any different.

I guess I've never let the issue consume me so much to the point, that I've given it that much thought.

Good points.
Quietstorm said:
However, I believe that homosexuality is a choice.

So a 3 year old can decide that he wants to be gay? :confused: Something about that does not sound right to me. I am not even saying that he/she was born that way but I do believe that a person's sexuality is SET as a child (pre 5 years old). You all remember hide and go get it and running up behind little girls to rub your little peter on em, and what about getting the little girl in your clubhouse while her big brother was getting mad and wanted to fight...LOL Listen to what gays have to say...they did not do those things...they knew what they liked way back then. I remember two little boys humping each other in the 1st grade (I have been scared from it since then...LOL)

Now if a person is grown or if a person is even early teens (where a person can make their own choices) and says, " I will start being gay tommorrow" (that even sounds stupid), then you all would have a point. If it is a choice, please explain why you feel that way. To ME, this is mental or chemical (both of which could happen in the womb). It is not genetic because there is no gene for that. You can't pass down gayness. sheesh.
My 2 cents...

I am a black man. I am attracted to black women. Do you think I was born to be attracted only to black women? Surely not right ! Being attracted to the unique qualities of black women is something that is LEARNED !!!! The way we talk to each other, what is or isn't socially acceptable behavior. The way we dress. Our dating traditions. ALL OF THESE components of 'the mating dance' are all LEARNED behaviors influenced by societal practice and traditions.

The reason that I can unequivicably state that man being attracted to women and vice versa is a Genetic design is because the whole entire world and all the creatures in it exist because of the laws of procreation. Without procreation, adam and eve are the end of the human saga.

You can't get more 'natural' than that !
Warndalyn said:
Well TP, I believe most of us are ignorant, on this topic, unless you're actually gay. I am NOT gay, so I am ignorant...but, we all have our own beliefs and opinions about the subject. Who made you such an expert, on the topic? Are you gay? Not being facetious, just asking...since you seem to think you're right and most of us are wrong.


This issue is just the same as if we were discussing racial issues. To hear people say certain things about about other races makes you see their lack of understanding. I don't know that many gay people but with all of the TV shows that let THEM have their say, I have NEVER heard one of them say that they chose it. They all say that they believe they were born that way or that they knew as a small child. Also, just as a logical thinker, I don't see how anyone can choose their sexuality...though, as with anything, I could be wrong.

To me, hearing people say it is a choice is a slap in the face to all who are against prejudice. If you can find me one gay person who says that he just sat down one day and decided to be gay, then you "choice" crew will get a point. Until then I will listen to what those people have to say since they are the only ones who can tell us. Also, in my ignorance, I guess I need to know what choice means to you all? How did they decide this? Did a girl dump them so they decided against women? They could not get any puzzy, so they just went for azz?? Did they get high one night and just decided to "do" or get "done by" the first thing they saw?? Did one of their boys fall on them during a game and they liked it?? Did they get raped and liked it??? Where does choice come into play??
Tigerpride said:
I would think that one was born with it before choosing it. None of us have the same likes and dislikes sexually. However, the suggestion that one can flip a coin and not only have sex with but actually ENJOY sex with the same sex is ludicris to me. Also, there is probably not one right answer. It could be anything from a chemical imbalance to a mental illness...neither of which can be credited to choice.

With this logic, you almost assume that all of the prison punks that go for this type of thing while locked-up were always gay and just never knew it?

Surely you are not serious when you say that you can't choose to have a sexual experience and enjoy it without being predestined for that experience.
DonTiger said:
My 2 cents...

The way we talk to each other, what is or isn't socially acceptable behavior. The way we dress. Our dating traditions. ALL OF THESE components of 'the mating dance' are all LEARNED behaviors influenced by societal practice and traditions.

NONE OF THIS WAS DONE BEFORE AGE 5. Those things are learned but what about those who have no interest in learning them becasue they are (for whatever reason) not interested in the opposite sex. Those things you mention come way down the line.

The reason that I can unequivicably state that man being attracted to women and vice versa is a Genetic design is because the whole entire world and all the creatures in it exist because of the laws of procreation. Without procreation, adam and eve are the end of the human saga.

This has nothing to do with procreation. How is genetics linked to attraction? A gay man and a gay woman can procreate without being attracted to each other. Genetics is not the right term but I am assuming you are not a scientist. Genetics have only to do with DNA. Your suggestion is that a person can pass down sexuality when women can't even pass down big breasts!! Now had you mentioned testostone levels, brain signals, etc...it would be more of an argument to me because those things are not determined by genetics and can vary from person to person. The whole God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve is just a cliche and adds no insight in this matter as a stand alone statement.

My two cent
AAMU Alum said:
For those who say it's a choice, let me ask....why do you think that people would CHOOSE a lifestyle that they know they would be ridiculed, or possibly even KILLED for?

Not saying they are crimminals because they ARE NOT...........just making a point.

Why would a person make a choice to be a drug dealer instead of getting a real job knowing they will end up in JAIL or DEAD..................BECAUSE THEY LIKE THE LIFESTYLE.

Why would a person make a choice to be a RACE CAR DRIVER knowing that going 200+ mph's 1 inch off someones bumper, side, and rear CAN KILL YOU....................THE LIFESTYLE.

You make choices in life even knowing the crap that comes with it.
Tigerpride said:
Also, in my ignorance, I guess I need to know what choice means to you all? How did they decide this? Did a girl dump them so they decided against women? They could not get any puzzy, so they just went for azz?? Did they get high one night and just decided to "do" or get "done by" the first thing they saw?? Did one of their boys fall on them during a game and they liked it?? Did they get raped and liked it??? Where does choice come into play??

As silly as you tried to sound, listen to your comments again. How 'likely' do you think it that, the formely married lesbian women mentioned in the other thread, turned to that lifestyle if not wholey, at least in part due to her failed marriage and alcoholic husband?

Do you really not think that a chance encounter, or a horrible relationship, or a broken heart can influence someone to perhaps try something? Then maybe they liked it.