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No, you're not. The pessimism is warranted until the ballot box shows different. Any assertion that GOP voters are moving away in "droves" is questionable from the start.
Right, remember the delegates count more than the people. tRump didn't win the popular vote when he because president before. This mass maga exodus is hearsay until proven otherwise at the polls and in the electoral college.
Is there a reason you think a prediction market is more accurate than polling?

The issue is who are the pollsters being used for that graphic.

As Roland Martin points out most of them IGNORE the black pollsters-who tell a different story.

They use the ones that ask a very small segment of POC.

If that poll is true-guess what I don't want to hear a single person of color complain when Trump wins.

Sooner or later you have to think long term and big picture.

Trump has offered no polices beyond Project 2025. Yet Harris has stated some of hers and folks act like she did not. Attacking her for minor stuff while Trump is doing stuff that BIden would get DRILLED for if he did that.
The issue is who are the pollsters being used for that graphic.

As Roland Martin points out most of them IGNORE the black pollsters-who tell a different story.

They use the ones that ask a very small segment of POC.

If that poll is true-guess what I don't want to hear a single person of color complain when Trump wins.

Sooner or later you have to think long term and big picture.

Trump has offered no polices beyond Project 2025. Yet Harris has stated some of hers and folks act like she did not. Attacking her for minor stuff while Trump is doing stuff that BIden would get DRILLED for if he did that.
Your very first sentence has more to do with my question than I believe you realize. Political polling solely dependant upon people that participate in prediction markets/futures markets is far from a random sample. It is more like an observation from a petri dish.