Ghetto Arse Malls

This is the most ghetto mall in America, the one in Jackson, MS. The only thing I can remember is the parking lot was full of potholes; practically every store carried some type of leisure suit, artificial nails, and imitation leather coats. Every female, I saw had braids with two to three chullin and some dude with baggy paints. This mall is I guess in South Jackson.

Then there is the one in Memphis {Southland Mall} off of EP Blvd. This mall has everything. To include used furniture, car parts {legal & illegal} weed, one brother use to run a numbers operation. When you drive into the parking lot, it seems like a dark cloud encompass the entire mall. You have brothers driving with loud music and hoochie girls hanging out the window.

Sonic, you know the mall I am talking about.
Ahhh, we really don't have a ghetto mall in Jackson...

If I had to say which one was the most ghetto i would say MetroCenter, but MetroCenter is wayyy better than most GHETTO malls i've seen. lol.

Memphis- Southland Mall, the most ghetto. We used to go there to eat before the TSU game. It was so ghetto.


Originally posted by H
This is the most ghetto mall in America, the one in Jackson, MS. The only thing I can remember is the parking lot was full of potholes; practically every store carried some type of leisure suit, artificial nails, and imitation leather coats. Every female, I saw had braids with two to three chullin and some dude with baggy paints.

Whether or not you notice it or not, but they sell rims in most every mall now. The trend started about a year ago. They will set up shop in one of those stores that just closed down or in the one of the center aisle spots. They have been doing it in Huntsville for a while now and our mall isnt anything close to ghetto.
Originally posted by "NOISE TALKA"

You need to come to Opry Mills in Nashhville and you will change your mind. It is ONE FLOOR but IF you so happen to have the energy to walk around the whole mall, you will think it was about 4 floors.
Yes the Metrocenter is bad. There are Jewelry stores everywhere. The stinch of chemicals used for manicures permeates half of the first floor. Next door to the nail place, you can get your weave or wig tight. The trend in Jackson is to have a convenience store in the mall... WTF? The worse thing I have seen yet is a hair/ beauty supply smack dab in the middle of the mall.. The stores are laughable.. They have (or had since last I have been) a t-shirt store that sells bootleg shirts.. you know the shirts I am talking about. You might see Tupac and Biggie on one, then see Master P on another... Any place where Boff is sold is ghetto. Why is it that they have about 10 places to buy cell phone accesories and pagers ( does anyone still use them?) I am not even going to get on the places selling the suit packages. A suit package is when you pay a small fee, usually 99 dollars and you get the suit, the shirt, the tie, the hankerchief, and a gold chain. For a little more you can get a vest too... The parking lot should be declared a disaster zone.. I have to warn people to slow their roll going through there.. There are signs that say DIP and BUMP all through out the road surrounding the mall.... And no the Metro Center does not even have a movie theater in operation any more!

My disclaimer is I go there from time to time to get service from the Sears Auto Center. I have not been inside the actual mall in several months... Northpark is not much better... The blacks and the ghetto attitude have been tarnishing that place for the last 5 years or so.... They asked for it when they shut down the only movie theater in Jackson...

I was visiting a friend in Jackson, and ask her to take me to the mall. When we arrived there, it was like walking into a hair perm, artificial nail, weave convention. I was like daymn, Chere, do you have anything else to offer. I never will forget this brother walking around in a Lime Green Leisure Suit, with a Lime Green Superfly Hat and Platform Hill Shoes.

Southland Mall {Memphis}, Is 100% GHETTO. A friend told me that's where he park his Coach {Funeral Car} on Friday and Saturday Night. He knows within 24 hrs. he will 2-3 cases {bodies}.


You know Metro Center {Fountain Square} is beyond GHETTO, that's why they had to close it. I remember when it first open. Within a week trash was all over the parking lot, cars stolen, brothers driving through the parking lot with loud music.
Originally posted by H

I was visiting a friend in Jackson, and ask her to take me to the mall. When we arrived there, it was like walking into a hair perm, artificial nail, weave convention. I was like daymn, Chere, do you have anything else to offer. I never will forget this brother walking around in a Lime Green Leisure Suit, with a Lime Green Superfly Hat and Platform Hill Shoes.

Southland Mall {Memphis}, Is 100% GHETTO. A friend told me that's where he park his Coach {Funeral Car} on Friday and Saturday Night. He knows within 24 hrs. he will 2-3 cases {bodies}.


You know Metro Center {Fountain Square} is beyond GHETTO, that's why they had to close it. I remember when it first open. Within a week trash was all over the parking lot, cars stolen, brothers driving through the parking lot with loud music.

is that where the Sports Cafe is??? keep in mind I just have been living in Nashville for a year.
Re: Re: Salem Mall?! lmao!

Originally posted by cat daddy

Salem Mall in Dayton is still there.

:lmao: I need to go up there for the heck of it to see what has changed.

I'll bet not much by a long shot

I believe so, Metro Center {Fountain Square} is the mall, off of Eight Avenue, neat the Titans Training Camp.


Is that the mall near Wright Patterson AFB. I was in Dayton / Riverside two week ago. We passed by one mall and it look like a scene from a Wild West Movie. Is this the same mall, where some dude tried to rob a fast food joint through the drive through window?
Originally posted by H


Is that the mall near Wright Patterson AFB. I was in Dayton / Riverside two week ago. We passed by one mall and it look like a scene from a Wild West Movie. Is this the same mall, where some dude tried to rob a fast food joint through the drive through window?
:lol: @ Wild West.

You were at Faifield Commons.
Originally posted by "NOISE TALKA"


I retract that statement. They just opened a new mall in Jackson. It's one story, but it's big as hell and nice Dogwood Festival Mall