Geveva Cty; Ala. football player killed on kick-off return...

Just don't seem safe on the football field anymore. I wonder if it was a helmet to helmet kind of hit.

I know the family is devastated. Lord keep them.

Robber some of the things they teach in foolball in unbeliveable. I can recall some of the things they tried to teach my son and I instructed him the correct way. At one time in order to be a coach you had to be qualified in Health and Physcial Education. The rules were changed in Alabama that allowed unqualified coaches to coach as long as one coach was qualified.

My minor is Major Health Problems and Physical Education. After completing this program at any HBCU you were prepared for Medical School. So I do recognize that the body is the same but unqualified coaches are not prepared to deal with the advancement made in sports. All they know are Xs and Os.
This is really tragic. My prayers to the family and teammates. Also, God's grace to the opposing players as they deal with their grief and emotions.