Former ATL Mayor Bill Campbell


Delta Girl
Folks in Atlanta, what are your thoughts about the federal corruption trial of Campbell? I was not living in GA when he was the Mayor. How was he as the Mayor? Do you think the government has a case against him?

It seems that he was quite the ladies man, at least according to the prosecution.
I wasn't living in Georgia at the time either, but it seems he was not that popular. The things I hate about the trail is how quickly the media tried to introduce the race card.

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silentrage said:
Folks in Atlanta, what are your thoughts about the federal corruption trial of Campbell? I wasn't not living in GA when he was the Mayor. How was he as the Mayor? Do you think the government has a case against him?

It seems that he was quite the ladies man, at least according to the prosecution.

One of our NBC news reporter had to go testify. Marion Brooks is her name, she testified about him taking her out to dinner, etc. I think they were trying to determine if he used tax money to wine/dine her.
southsuburbs said:
One of our NBC news reporter had to go testify. Marion Brooks is her name, she testified about him taking her out to dinner, etc. I think they were trying to determine if he used tax money to wine/dine her.

It was much more than that. :bump:
Killer Bees said:
I wasn't living in Georgia at the time either, but it seems he was not that popular. .
Actually, Campbell was (is) VERY popular among African-Americans. He was at odds with the business community and the media (except V-103).

As for my opinion of the case against him, ummmmm,
no comment (for now)

Did you get the details on Campbell and Brooks?
It seem to be wayyyyyyyyyyy more than a simple attempt by him to wine and dine.
Killer Bees said:
It was much more than that. :bump:

It sure was. I have been here since 1992 and I was here when he was in office. Just like most politicians, he thought he was above the law and it is my opinion, that he figured he should profit from any and every deal that came thru city hall. But again, that is only my opinion.

I think that like most politicians, he was corrupt, however, the difference is, he either got caught or pissed off the wrong person.

Yeah, he was quite the ladies man it appears and that is what pisses me off the most. If you married, then stay faithful and committed to YOUR woman. If you gone "tip", then let the wife go. I cannot stand a liar nor a cheater.

I am not saying I am perfect, but from what I understand, this brother had no shame in his game.

Anyway, I believe he is going to go down with this trial. We shall see.
What is on trial? Him being a ladies man or him using taxpayer's money? Some need to keep it in the middle of the road and not veer left or right.
Blacknbengal said:
What is on trial? Him being a ladies man or him using taxpayer's money? Some need to keep it in the middle of the road and not veer left or right.

If he is using the taxpayer's money to pay for his "ladies man" lifestyle, then it is in the "middle of the road".
Blacknbengal said:
What is on trial? Him being a ladies man or him using taxpayer's money? Some need to keep it in the middle of the road and not veer left or right.
Can anyone update me on how the trial is going? Why did mayor Herenton from Memphis testify?
There's a pic of Marion Brooks on this web site as well...she used to be a TV anchor in Atlanta.

Campbell paid cash for vacations, gifts, TV anchor testifies

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 02/09/06
Former Atlanta TV news anchor Marion Brooks glanced over at jurors, the court security officer and the crowd. She looked at seemingly everyone but the man she had a hidden four-year affair with ? former Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell.

Brooks didn't tear up, but she also didn't look happy to be back in Atlanta on Wednesday taking the witness stand against her former lover. She never called him by name, instead referring to Campbell as "him" or "the former mayor." Federal prosecutor Russell Vineyard, who avoided dredging up any details, asked if Brooks and the mayor took steps to keep their relationship secret. "Absolutely," Brooks said. "I would have him come to my apartment and we would meet out of town."

For more than two weeks, prosecutors have been trying to show a pattern of cash spending by the former mayor, who is accused of shaking down contractors. So they didn't ask Brooks about the titillating details of the affair. Instead they honed in on the cash Campbell allegedly used to fund their fling.

Her testimony, just about 40 minutes long, briefly shifted the tone of the trial from tedious details on bank records to romance. The pair took dozens of trips to romantic locales from Mexico to Paris to San Francisco to Jamaica, Campbell paying for hotels and meals with cash, and arranging airfare through his friend and poker buddy, Gabe Pascarella. Brooks said she used her credit card for their airfare to Mexico and her ticket to Paris, but the mayor paid for the other flights ? in cash. He also paid for hotel stays, food and entertainment and always plunked down cash, she said.

Defense attorneys claim Campbell sometimes used cash because he had gambling earnings on hand.

Not so, according to Brooks. "He said almost all the time he broke even," she testified.

Brooks testified that Campbell paid for her flights to their rendezvous to a dozen cities, including several return trips to Miami, New York and Washington. Campbell also whisked her away to romantic getaways to Los Angeles; Charleston, S.C.; Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Las Vegas; Chicago; San Antonio, Texas; Memphis; and Raleigh, the mayor's hometown.

In spring 1997, the two met at a resort in Jamaica, where they vacationed with mutual friend and radio host Tom Houck, Brooks said. The WSB anchor testified that she first met Campbell in 1996 at a birthday party for Houck, whom she befriended after college while the two worked at WGST radio.

"This was very hard for her," Houck said of her testimony. "She's an honorable person."

He said she wouldn't want to say anything to harm Campbell, but was subpoenaed to testify.

"I think she found herself in a position she certainly wouldn't want to be in," Houck said.

For a few minutes, sitting in the courtroom felt a bit like watching a slide show of somebody's honeymoon, as photos taken from Campbell and Brooks' July 1999 trip to Paris were projected on a screen. Former Atlanta Chief Operating Officer Larry Wallace joined them on the trip. The trio stayed for four days at the Bristol Hotel, which Brooks described as: "Very nice, top of the line."

They spent hours a day sightseeing, all of it paid for in cash by Campbell, testified Brooks, who took photographs of the trip. In one shot, Campbell is standing in front of the Arc de Triomphe; in another he is in front of a cafe, wearing a cap and sunglasses and a knit shirt. She said Campbell, as he frequently did, bought her gifts: "He bought me a couple of watercolors from street vendors," she said while looking straight ahead.

Prosecutors allege that United Water ? which had a $21 million a year contract to privatize the city's water supply ? paid about $12,000 of the expenses of the Paris trip. They claim the trip was kept secret, and never appeared on Campbell's personal calendar.

Campbell, who insists he is innocent, smiled and watched Brooks during her testimony just as he has done with all witnesses. His wife, Sharon, has attended all of jury selection and most of the trial but did not come to court Wednesday.

Brooks testified she usually saw Campbell twice a week and their affair continued after she moved to Chicago in December 1997. Campbell sometimes flew to see her in Chicago and would pay to fly her back to Atlanta and put her up at a local hotel, she said. The couple continued their trysts from 1996 to 1999, and briefly rekindled their romance in 2001, Brooks said.

During a brief cross-examination, the defense did not contest the fact of the relationship.

Brooks told jurors that Campbell lent her money for a down payment on a Chicago condominium, handing her $16,000 in cash.

She testified that Campbell told her "he borrowed the [$16,000] from Gabe Pascarella." She said she paid back the money to Pascarella, who is a Campbell friend and testified earlier that he made travel arrangements for Campbell and was a regular in their Friday night poker games.

And there were expensive gifts; a bracelet worth between $800 and $1,000, along with a watch, two necklaces, trinkets and, on their last excursion, their second jaunt to San Francisco, the mayor bought her a nice parting gift ? a $2,400 coat. With that trip in 2001, Brooks said, she and Campbell ended their relationship amicably. "I think Marion was at the point that she was over it," Houck said. "I think Marion wanted to get married and she knew that wasn't possible with Bill.

"I think Bill loves Sharon. That's his pride and joy."

Brooks testified that only Houck, key government witness Dewey Clark and a couple of others close to Campbell knew she and the mayor were having an affair.
Why are people so concerned about who someone else is hitting? If his wife hasn’t left him for doing them broads, why should someone else be concerned? The tax money issue is the only thing the public should be worried about.
cat daddy said:
If he is using the taxpayer's money to pay for his "ladies man" lifestyle, then it is in the "middle of the road".

That is exactly my point. I could care less if this dude was, is or wants to be a ladies man. However, you cannot fleece the public in order to do so (at least not without penalty).
CEE DOG said:
Why are people so concerned about who someone else is hitting? If his wife hasn?t left him for doing them broads, why should someone else be concerned? The tax money issue is the only thing the public should be worried about.

They are trying to say that he used tax payers money to date/hit these broads.

If you notice in the article I posted, it says the prosecutors tried to avoid bringing up specific details about their affair (Brooks and Campbell) but mostly if she knew how he funded the affair. Where he got the money from?
not necessarily he used taxpayers money, but he illegally received money from potential city contractors to finance the "wining and dining" and the supposed high-stakes gambling ($$$$$)

Herenton allegedly arranged transportation from the Memphis airport down to Tunica. And ran in those circles
southsuburbs said:
They are trying to say that he used tax payers money to date/hit these broads.

If you notice in the article I posted, it says the prosecutors tried to avoid bringing up specific details about their affair (Brooks and Campbell) but mostly if she knew how he funded the affair. Where he got the money from?
I know Bill personally. My pops side of the family is in the "IN" crowd in Atlanta. So believe me Bill is no saint. I wasn't really talking about your comment though "thinker". :lol: I was just noticing how some people are always upset about what other people husbands and wives are doing.

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Big Thunder said:
It sure was. I have been here since 1992 and I was here when he was in office. Just like most politicians, he thought he was above the law and it is my opinion, that he figured he should profit from any and every deal that came thru city hall. But again, that is only my opinion.

I think that like most politicians, he was corrupt, however, the difference is, he either got caught or pissed off the wrong person.

Yeah, he was quite the ladies man it appears and that is what pisses me off the most. If you married, then stay faithful and committed to YOUR woman. If you gone "tip", then let the wife go. I cannot stand a liar nor a cheater.

I am not saying I am perfect, but from what I understand, this brother had no shame in his game.

Anyway, I believe he is going to go down with this trial. We shall see.

That's what I noticed the most. The number of women he allegedly (sp?) had affairs with. Is that his wife that is with him going to and from court each day?
mighty hornet said:
Actually, Campbell was (is) VERY popular among African-Americans. He was at odds with the business community and the media (except V-103).

As for my opinion of the case against him, ummmmm,
no comment (for now)

Did you get the details on Campbell and Brooks?
It seem to be wayyyyyyyyyyy more than a simple attempt by him to wine and dine.

He was on V-103 this morning talking to Frank Ski.
cat daddy said:
If he is using the taxpayer's money to pay for his "ladies man" lifestyle, then it is in the "middle of the road".
CD, they have yet to prove that. They are still talking/focusing on his "adulterous" lifestyle.
CEE DOG said:
Why are people so concerned about who someone else is hitting? If his wife hasn’t left him for doing them broads, why should someone else be concerned? The tax money issue is the only thing the public should be worried about.

From the article he WAS using tax money to take his shorty on the ride of her life...shaking down contractors...
Blacknbengal said:
CD, they have yet to prove that. They are still talking/focusing on his "adulterous" lifestyle.

Beans, did you read the article posted above??? It plainly states they are taking the high road and not attempting to get to the "bedroom details". They are attempting to determine if he used money from the taxpayers and shady business deals to finance an elaborate playa lifestyle.

He could be screwing a monkey, I don't care about that, but if he is using public money to help finance his rendevous with the monkey, then I have issues with that.
cat daddy said:
Beans, did you read the article posted above??? It plainly states they are taking the high road and not attempting to get to the "bedroom details". They are attempting to determine if he used money from the taxpayers and shady business deals to finance an elaborate playa lifestyle.

He could be screwing a monkey, I don't care about that, but if he is using public money to help finance his rendevous with the monkey, then I have issues with that.
What if he's using his money from speaking engagements?
Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
From the article he WAS using tax money to take his shorty on the ride of her life...shaking down contractors...
That still doesn't justify being mad at him about something that his wife apparently doesn't have a problem with. I understand being mad at him for using the tax payers money, but I'm never concerned about another mans household because no one knows the agreement him and his wife had. Maybe they swing like that. Who knows. It's some people that role like that. If you from the outside looking in, stay outside.
CEE DOG said:
That still doesn't justify being mad at him about something that his wife apparently doesn't have a problem with. I understand being mad at him for using the tax payers money, but I'm never concerned about another mans household because no one knows the agreement him and his wife had. Maybe they swing like that. Who knows. It's some people that role like that. If you from the outside looking in, stay outside.

I ain't mad at him for fugging ole girl...hell I'd dick her down right now...what I am saying is...if they spent tax payer money to go on these elaborate trips...they both should be punished...
Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
I ain't mad at him for fugging ole girl...hell I'd dick her down right now...what I am saying is...if they spent tax payer money to go on these elaborate trips...they both should be punished...
I agree.
Blacknbengal said:
What if he's using his money from speaking engagements?

If thats how he got the money to finance the rendevous with the other woman, all he needs to do is produce the documentation.