Five HBCUs tabbed for ESPNU


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This summer, ESPNU, the 24-hour college sports network and multimedia franchise, will launch a new professional development and awareness initiative called ?ESPNU Campus Connection.? In its first year,the program will choose one student from 10 schools throughout the country to participate, including Alabama A&M University (Normal, Ala.), Howard University (Washington, D.C.), Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.), University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, N.C.), Northwestern University (Chicago, Ill.), Penn State University (University Park, Pa.), University of Southern California (Los Angeles, Calif.), Southern University (Baton Rouge, La.), Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas) and the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Va.).

The students will be selected by a panel consisting of representatives from ESPN?s human resources, marketing, affiliate sales and programming departments. Once chosen, each ?Campus Connection? participant will complete ESPN?s summer internship program (June-August) at one of the ESPN offices where he or she will receive training and materials to manage the program at his or her school for the entire academic year.
