FAMU is the Worst Thing to Happen to Hoes Since Hookers at the Point Premiered

The Founder

Well-Known Member
Dear FAMU,

Your infactuation with knife wound whores has got to cease. I had a chance last week to travel to your worthless school and saw nothing but future block and turns being trained by current block and turns. I went to a nearby gas station and opened the door for one of these worthless humans and she immediately started twirking in front of me. All I did was hold the door open.

I then wanted to find some type of positive at your university and saw "gays" practicing flag routines. It was really disgusting given you all were entertaining football recruits. These young men were so confused. Then all of sudden one of them screamed "Uncle Clifford" and this recruit just lost all his manhood. It was sickening. I thought I was in an episode of The Crying Game seeing Delle walk up to the construction site and guys not realize that was a man. In this case this negro had a beard so there was no doubt what had happened.

Then yall ugly hookers. I am the first to admit that I enjoy ghetto and hood women but this was a bit much for me. These women had guts as big as their buts....A$$ so big you could see it from the front....then I looked hard and this chick was PREGNANT!!!! The worst of the worst was seeing the white girls acting black. It was such a difficult thing to process.

Please SWAC rid us of these vagrants before its too late!!!!

The Founder