Ex-Raiders safety Jack Tatum dies

Re: Jack Tatum

I will never forget Jack Tatum. Player say that the hardest hits do not always look like the hardest hits. Well, Tatum's hits always looked hard and tough. Rest in peace.
Re: Jack Tatum

RIP Jack Tatum... Throwback to when football players were football players and not entertainers who made millions per year... :cry:
Re: Jack Tatum

Not the assassin!!
R.I.P Jack Tatum.

That was the only guy playing DB/Safety that no wide receiver in the NFL wanted to play against. That guy had a reputation for good reason. He never made "dirty hits" but all his hit's was Ronnie Lott type knockouts times 10. :lecture:
I'll bet Lynn Swan and John Stallworth of Pittsburg still wake up in cold sweats. :lol:
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Re: Jack Tatum

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Re: Jack Tatum

RIP Mr. Tatum!!! That guy packed a punch that people his size shouldn't be able to. His collision with Earl Campbell is legendary.
Re: Jack Tatum

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I see why my brother loved them Raiders. Those guys made you think 3 times before you caught a ball in front of them. At some point in that game Ahmad Rashad nearly got kilt.
Re: Jack Tatum

And the sad thing is quite a few of those men who played with reckless abandon back then are having a tough life now.
Re: Jack Tatum

RIP to Jack Tatum. Another Buckeye legend gone......tough few weeks for Ohio State.

R.I.P. Jack Tatum!!! Hopefully he gets into the hall of fame :(

Should have been in.

But you know the HOF voters are never going to forget that Daryl Stingley hit and book that came afterwards "They call me the Assassin". Even Daryl Stingley said it was not a dirty hit. Just 2 bodies in the wrong place at the right time. He never held being paralyzed against Jack. I remember watching that game like it was on last weekend.

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Best I ever saw at his position. He and Johnny Sample (Jets) were old school "hitters," i.e., they tried to take your head off anytime they came at you.

Another Great Player, but around the 4:13 mark you really see force and power. :scared:

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I remember that play like yesterday. I was cheering and hollering after that TD.
Tatum, Brown, Atkinson, and Sistrunk were the reasons I liked the Raiders! No nonsense players that played the game for the love of the game!

RIP Jack Tatum!
No Lester "Stickum Hands" Hayes or "Snake" Stabler? :lol:

Heck yes! But they came llater like in the late 70's early '80s era! I was a toddler running around base with Raiders shirt my pops gave me! The best super bowl was when the Raiders and Eagles played! I had an electric football(the early playstation) set ans had all of the teams! I always played with the Raders and Eagles! I'd give 6 fingers to have one of those sets now!