Do you remember your Easter speech?


I can't remember a one - it's been so long ago. I do remember hating to have to get up there and saying them and often times forgetting them! :emlaugh: I did; however, love the candy & cupcakes! :D Do your children have an Easter speech this year?
Fortitude said:
I can't remember a one - it's been so long ago. I do remember hating to have to get up there and saying them and often times forgetting them! :emlaugh: I did; however, love the candy & cupcakes! :D Do your children have an Easter speech this year?

I remember mine..... "Jesus Wept"!

My youngest son, 8, does not have one this year; we missed all of the rehearsal opportunities due to other commitments. We hope to get him back into the Easter Program next year.

kellis said:
My very first one:

I just came to say, Happy Easter Day. I was 3. :D


That one is similar to one of my early speeches, kellis!

Mine was:

What are you lookin' at me for?
I didn't come to stay.
I just came to tell you

Age 3

I want to be a preacher, when I?m a grown man,
& Preach a long, long sermon every Sunday if I can,
But now I?m very little, and all that I can say
Is Happy, Happy, Happy Easter Day
No, I don't remember ever having to say an Easter speech....but, in our church, we had lots of plays, for the children to participate in, and I participated in all of them, so I'm sure there was something I did, but I just can't remember it.
Warndalyn said:
No, I don't remember ever having to say an Easter speech....but, in our church, we had lots of plays, for the children to participate in, .

We had Easter AND Christmas speeches. We also had the plays, and I was in ALL of them, thanks to my older sister and my mom! I guess that's what I got for not being afraid to talk before large groups of people at a very young age. As I got older, the speeches got longer...some of them as long as 10 stanzas! I put a stop that when I forgot one of my stanzas at around age 12! My sister designated herself as my speech selector. :mad:

I told my mom she'd have to whoop my butt, but I wasn't doing anymore speeches.
AAMU Alum said:

That one is similar to one of my early speeches, kellis!

Mine was:

What are you lookin' at me for?
I didn't come to stay.
I just came to tell you


I said this one but it was by mistake. Right before I went up there, my aunt whispered to me, "you ought to say, "What you lookin at me so hard for? All I came to say was Happy Easter Day.""

Well, when I got up there, I forgot my of couse I was standing there looking lost and everyone was staring at me... so I just broke out and said, "what ya'll looking at me so hard for...." It was funny becasue it looked like I planned it. It appears my aunt gave me the ghetto version though...LOL

In short, TP scored again.

Can't remember nary one of them. The ONLY thing I can recall is that I was always the last one to go (the longest speeches always went last). I wasn't shy to speak in front of large crowds of <b>adults</b>; but I was shy as heck around others in my age group. :confused: lol

The church I grew up in and attend has graduated. No more Easter or Xmas speeches.
I can recall having stage fright as I forgot my Easter speech when I was about 8 years old. :uhoh: I remember saying..."I love Jesus and the Easter Bunny" just to say something since I stood there for probably 3 minutes with my finger in my mouth shame. :shh:

When we got to the back, I cried for days because all I received was a NASTY creme filled egg for effort of doing a speech. :bawling: Kids that actually recited their speeches received Easter baskets. I was crying for the longest until I got home after church and Big Mama had our Easter baskets lined up on the couch for us. :D
LoyalTigress said:
When we got to the back, I cried for days because all I received was a NASTY creme filled egg for effort of doing a speech. :bawling: Kids that actually recited their speeches received Easter baskets. I was crying for the longest until I got home after church and Big Mama had our Easter baskets lined up on the couch for us. :D

This is actually funny...the church give people with speeches that suck a creme filled egg....LOL
LoyalTigress said:
I can recall having stage fright as I forgot my Easter speech when I was about 8 years old. :uhoh: I remember saying..."I love Jesus and the Easter Bunny" just to say something since I stood there for probably 3 minutes with my finger in my mouth shame. :shh:

When we got to the back, I cried for days because all I received was a NASTY creme filled egg for effort of doing a speech. :bawling: Kids that actually recited their speeches received Easter baskets. I was crying for the longest until I got home after church and Big Mama had our Easter baskets lined up on the couch for us. :D
I'm sorry, Baby Doll, but that's funny. Thank God for Big Mama!!! :tup: :swink: