Do Palistinians/native indians/Afghans have more courage than Africans or,,,


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From a historical perspective, do people like the native American indians, the Palistinians and now the Afghanii have more heart and stronger convictions than the African/black race, or are they just stupid and not masters at survival as the African/black race is?

Perhaps my view of the African/black race is limited in scope though because I base my question on the African/black race starting from Africa to America the last 300 years. What if the African/black race was as mad at what has been inflicted on us as these other groups say about the West? The American indian pretty much fought to the last man and is now "extinct" as a huge race of people. The Afghans and people in that region are among the poorest in the world, but fought bitterly against invaders and overwhelming odds. Did we do the same in Africa or did we roll over? We definitely are "docile" by any measure here in the U.S.; either that, or we have assimulated and learned what we had to do to survive.

Maybe the European powers steamrolled Africa just like the U.S. did the indians because they are the ultimate beneficiaries of all the wealth (human and natural) of Africa. I don't know,, just kicking around discussion in the context of yet another pending clash between cultures.
Now I don't know very much about the African history, but....

Back in that day, I don't think the Africans on the coast even knew what war and defense was. I feel that they were just over there living happy and freely without a care in the world. Then when the European ships arrived, it was all chaos, because no one knew what to do. The ships kept coming one after another, and there just wasn't any time to get their defense measures together.

When the they brought the Africans over to the colonies as slaves, of course the slaves were outnumbered. Now, I'm sure some people got tired of being in bondage and rebelled but were physically tortured or put to death immediatedly. The set back was that there were way more of them than the slaves. So, the slaves just kinda bowed down eventually and did what the white man said in order to remain alive.

So, here we are today. I have to agree with you when you said that we have learned what we needed to do to survive. Of course, if the slaves fought back like the Indians did, then they would have been killed off too, and none of us would be here today. Now, I'm not sure if we have better survival skills than the Indians and Arabic people. I mean....they live in some pretty poor areas and go with little to eat or without food for several days. Most of us blacks today will have a very hard time living in their kind of condidions. I think that a pure African will do a little better than we would. I think that they could survive just as slaves (Africans) did, but it's just a matter of them bowing down. They have a totally different mind set from the Africans and blacks. And whatever their conviction's the golden rule (LITERALLY). Those people in that area were visciously fighting for what they believed in even in the Bible days. So, it's just something instilled and passed down through generations. They come into this world ready to fight for their convictions if ya ask me.

Now if us black still had mad attitudes about what happened to our ancestors and wanted to literally fight within this country for justice or whatever.....whewwwww, this would just be history repeating itself. We're really outnumbered here, and it would take help from nation in the Carribean and Africa (the whole continent).

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Black Americans are literally a Hybrid species.

As we go here in this country, we are basically a new bread of Africans. We are caught in pergatory of sorts. We sit back and run all our smack about being oppressed and everything being "de white manz fault",,, while we are fat and bloated eating nice big thick juicy steaks and having sex as often as possible and generally wooping it up. Could you see a black man comandeering some plain and crashing into a building for a religious cause????? Heck no.
Nah.. We don't do that kind of stuff. We think totally different from that breed of people.

I think if we ever decided to cause some kind of confusion like they did....we'd do something similar to the LA riot and just have that type of stuff spreading and popping up from city to city like popcorn. Only this time....we would just tear up neighborhoods, terrorize/dominate the streets, and etc....

And it most certainly wouldn't be over no religion! We tend to get more rowdy about injustice and unfairness.
You got us pegged to a T.

Yep, you are exactly right.

Even at that, we don't really be all about the injustice and so forth. Like with the riots in L.A. during the Rodney King thing; many, if not most, of those folks were nothing more than opportunists taking advantage of the moment. They really had no causes or real convictions like these extremists or even Timothy McVeigh.

Fa sho! I KNOW I would have been right out there with watches, leather coats, and all just to get it.
Blacks that had convictions

There have, however, been spots in the history of the U.S. where blacks stepped up and had some convictions like:

That 51st Massachusettes regement in the civil war (or whatever the name).

The WWI soldiers from Harlem.

The Tuskegee airmen.

(,,,, how these men took such a stand at the time with the way blacks were being treated in this country is just amazing.)

The Buffalo soldiers


Those at the forefront of the civil rights struggle, the last great upheaval of black sentiment and resolve,,, and that wasn't everyone,, that was only the most radical elements of our (and liberal white) society that put everything on the line for change.

I think when we come under fire/attack we can respond,, but other than that, we don't/won't and go with the flow as long as we are surviving and getting ours.
I think when we come under fire/attack we can respond,, but other than that, we don't/won't and go with the flow as long as we are surviving and getting ours

Yes, that is true. We won't bother until things get down to the knitty gritty.
Let me add a $0.02 here.

I see a few problems that the Native Americans had. First they could not survive the diseases of the Europeans like the Africans could. That hurt them in their battles against the Europeans.

They were not always unified. For instance when they intermarried with Whites in the south, the sons (mix bloods) of White fathers followed their fathers' paths and supported slavery. The full bloods were not supporters of slavery. (Read about the Florida Seminoles.) The U.S. government used the division to their advantage. During the Civil War in the Indian Territory there were Native Americans who fought on both sides. Some probably acted more like White southerners than natives.

The Buffalo soldiers did fight in the west, but there were also Indian agents who worked for the federal government. For example there are a couple of Apache reservations in Arizona. One are full of descendants whose ancestors fought with the feds. The others are descendants whose ancestors fought with Geronimo.

The Africans were not always unified either. Remember. Some sold our ancestors into slavery. Others helped the Europeans to colonize the continent. I have read where historians said that the Africans could have fought off the Europeans, who colonized the almost the whole world. Anyway, in addition to South Africa do not forget about Rhodesia.

As for the Arabs, they had their lands colonized too. I think that they biggest beef is the Israeli question.

In the Americans there is a group of Native Americans who were not colonized. I think the area is in Boliva. Also, Ethiopia was never colonized.

I will be back for more.
Very Good Points.

excellent point on the native indians being decimated by disease. plus too, they could not withstand the rigors of being enslaved and the back breaking work; couldn't adapt.

Good stuff on the indians inter-marrying in the south and assimulating with the southern white cause. You can see that today anywhere here in the deep south when you meet "whites" who point out that they are part Cherokee/Muscogee/Choctaw/Tuskegee/Poache/Creek, etc. So true.

Didn't know Ethiopia was never colonized. What's the history behind that? What were the great military struggles to fend off invaders there? More info please.

Well, here's a question for you; it seems that everybody was colonized or conquered,,,, except the Europeans. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?! They did meet their match in Hannibal, the Moores, etc,,, and lost a few battles here & their,,, but overall,, they have only been conquered by other Europeans,,, not aboriginies or Africans, or Chineese, or Japaneese (although that Gingus Kahn ? fella, I believe, reeked a little havoc in middle asia?) look who has dominated the earth the past 500 or so years.
Yes ineed

The Africans were not always unified either. Remember. Some sold our ancestors into slavery. Others helped the Europeans to colonize the continent.

Ya know, that is exactly right. I remember being taught that now. I just wonder what were our people actually thinking at that time.
The Europeans did have problems with the Moors. There were the Ottaman Turks. (Some of southern Europe is muslim.) But I think a lot of it had to do with the racist attitudes of the European colonists. I know this will sound bigoted towards Europeans. But one must look at the facts. Europeans did set up colonies in most parts of the world.

I think that the Italians tried to conquer Ethopia in 1896, but I do not know all of the details. However, to put a long story short, the terrain got to them, and the Ethopians won. (Look at the terrain in Afghanistan.) But right before WWII, Italy under Mussolini did occupy Ethiopia for a while beginning in 1936. But it did not last long.
Let me add that a lot of leaders in Africa and the New World sold out their people. The Europeans needed help to colonize.