Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes?


Well-Known Member
Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes? I see people on social media who keep bragging bout Trump tariffs and how he would federal taxes. Do people not understand first off all what taxes pay for and second of all that we live in a global manufacturing society and how that would be passed on to the consumer? I mean I do understand that the average basic economics class is not taught in school nor can the average college student pass a class for economics but whew lawd the ignorance surrounding these two things isa mazing. Taxes whether we like them or not pays for what makes America a first world country. The government whether we like it or not only functions because of the taxes we pay. The roads, the schools the hospitals, street lights. I mean we could go on and on. Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer therefore causing rises in prices of goods which inflation occurs. Regan started this ignorance and what folks don't understand is Trump wrote a letter to the New York Tines during the Regan years pushing for this mess. What's your take on these two things?
Ensuring that everyone pays their fair share of taxes is crucial for the functioning of society. When individuals do not contribute their fair portion it puts a strain on the economy and limits the government's ability to provide essential services. By adhering to tax laws and regulations citizens can help create a more equitable and sustainable financial system for all. Therefore it is important for everyone to fulfill their tax obligations in order to maintain a balanced and prosperous society.
Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes? I see people on social media who keep bragging bout Trump tariffs and how he would federal taxes. Do people not understand first off all what taxes pay for and second of all that we live in a global manufacturing society and how that would be passed on to the consumer? I mean I do understand that the average basic economics class is not taught in school nor can the average college student pass a class for economics but whew lawd the ignorance surrounding these two things isa mazing. Taxes whether we like them or not pays for what makes America a first world country. The government whether we like it or not only functions because of the taxes we pay. The roads, the schools the hospitals, street lights. I mean we could go on and on. Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer therefore causing rises in prices of goods which inflation occurs. Regan started this ignorance and what folks don't understand is Trump wrote a letter to the New York Tines during the Regan years pushing for this mess. What's your take on these two things?
No Way Family GIF

No is the answer to your question.
The short answer to your question is a resounding NO! Most Americans are so wrapped in their prejudices and small-mindedness that they literally have no clue what anything means, but are quick to defend a political party based on absolutely nothing at all. The long answer as to why this is the case is of course just as layered as one might imagine, but do not think for a second that most people know and understand what the folks right above my comment have done such a great job of breaking down.
Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes? I see people on social media who keep bragging bout Trump tariffs and how he would federal taxes. Do people not understand first off all what taxes pay for and second of all that we live in a global manufacturing society and how that would be passed on to the consumer? I mean I do understand that the average basic economics class is not taught in school nor can the average college student pass a class for economics but whew lawd the ignorance surrounding these two things isa mazing. Taxes whether we like them or not pays for what makes America a first world country. The government whether we like it or not only functions because of the taxes we pay. The roads, the schools the hospitals, street lights. I mean we could go on and on. Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer therefore causing rises in prices of goods which inflation occurs. Regan started this ignorance and what folks don't understand is Trump wrote a letter to the New York Tines during the Regan years pushing for this mess. What's your take on these two things?

They have no clue. I was talking to a Black lady who is pro tRump. I told her that we are a global economy and this tariff idea he wants to do will really mess us up. She said the Dems have me like a sheep. I told her that when tRump was in office last time, just him raising the tariffs Chinese some, made my truck company and other larger truck companies go out of business. This is the same crap that hitler did and he crippled the german economy, we are going to really catch a bad one if he gets in office, but at least the rich people and large corporations will be happy. He's such a con man and maga folks can't see it.
No, they don't. I had to explain to a brother with a finance degree and some other guys over forty years old their income tax return was actually their money. Sadly, I had to literally explain to them that it was their income that was taxed, and the word return means just that. You would not believe the dumbfounded azz looks on their faces.

I just recalled, on another occasion I had to explain to a fifty year old brother, that considers himself a staunch Republican, what pre-tax means. This dude had failed to select the pre-tax option to pay his portion of his medical insurance for thirty years out of ignorance. I was embarrassed for him when I explained to him how much take home pay he gave away over the years.
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- "NO", and most, including Blacks & negro trump supporters don't realize, nothing in the way this country functions is free. Every time you go to the Food store, you pay taxes on food, gasoline, cloths, etc,,, and these taxes in the bigger scheme fun the Federal government, including the Military and defense of this country.
The stock market gains have been tremendous for the last four years. Now you have uneducated functional illiterates talking about recession because they don't understand a correction. I mean folks were saying that the stock market doesn't represent the economy. So now it has a bad week it represents the economy 😂 Ignorance is real.
- "NO", and most, including Blacks & negro trump supporters don't realize, nothing in the way this country functions is free. Every time you go to the Food store, you pay taxes on food, gasoline, cloths, etc,,, and these taxes in the bigger scheme fun the Federal government, including the Military and defense of this country.

Yet they will scream illegals don't pay taxes. Funny if they are buying food and stuff they are paying some type of taxes.

And to answer Cee- NO because those classes like Civics have been removed from schools.

My school is going to bring it back next year-we can't do it this year for budget reasons.
Yet they will scream illegals don't pay taxes. Funny if they are buying food and stuff they are paying some type of taxes.

And to answer Cee- NO because those classes like Civics have been removed from schools.

My school is going to bring it back next year-we can't do it this year for budget reasons.
Correct! My school just officially brought it back this year.
Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes? I see people on social media who keep bragging bout Trump tariffs and how he would federal taxes. Do people not understand first off all what taxes pay for and second of all that we live in a global manufacturing society and how that would be passed on to the consumer? I mean I do understand that the average basic economics class is not taught in school nor can the average college student pass a class for economics but whew lawd the ignorance surrounding these two things isa mazing. Taxes whether we like them or not pays for what makes America a first world country. The government whether we like it or not only functions because of the taxes we pay. The roads, the schools the hospitals, street lights. I mean we could go on and on. Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer therefore causing rises in prices of goods which inflation occurs. Regan started this ignorance and what folks don't understand is Trump wrote a letter to the New York Tines during the Regan years pushing for this mess. What's your take on these two things?

No, Americans don't understand tariffs and taxes, because most Americans are financially illiterate.
Do Americans not really understand Tariffs and taxes? I see people on social media who keep bragging bout Trump tariffs and how he would federal taxes. Do people not understand first off all what taxes pay for and second of all that we live in a global manufacturing society and how that would be passed on to the consumer? I mean I do understand that the average basic economics class is not taught in school nor can the average college student pass a class for economics but whew lawd the ignorance surrounding these two things isa mazing. Taxes whether we like them or not pays for what makes America a first world country. The government whether we like it or not only functions because of the taxes we pay. The roads, the schools the hospitals, street lights. I mean we could go on and on. Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer therefore causing rises in prices of goods which inflation occurs. Regan started this ignorance and what folks don't understand is Trump wrote a letter to the New York Tines during the Regan years pushing for this mess. What's your take on these two things?
No they do not.
No, they don't. I had to explain to a brother with a finance degree and some other guys over forty years old their income tax return was actually their money. Sadly, I had to literally explain to them that it was their income that was taxed, and the word return means just that. You would not believe the dumbfounded azz looks on their faces.

I just recalled, on another occasion I had to explain to a fifty year old brother, that considers himself a staunch Republican, what pre-tax means. This dude had failed to select the pre-tax option to pay his portion of his medical insurance for thirty years out of ignorance. I was embarrassed for him when I explained to him how much take home pay he gave away over the years.
Law Dawg, I just had to explain payroll taxes to the same client for like the upmteenth time. And it all started when doing our meeting, he was asking about when the decision on when to start collecting his social security.