Did the other POW's get a parade.......


New Member
Man they are blowing this Jessica Lynch thing up. I'm tired of hearing about it because there was other POW's that was shot or had broken arms or legs and we don't hear about them anymore. Are they giving Jessica Lynch a parade because she's the ALL AMERICAN WHITE GIRL???? I wonder if the other POW's have gotten a parade, if they had, then our news networks must not give a damn about em!! I wonder what the other POW's think about this, I wonder did they receive all those nice medals and a Purple Heart?? They haven't mentioned the other POW's in so long that i can't even remember their names anymore.

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Fugg her...my dad was a POW in Vietnam....she's not special.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I concur BAYOU TECHE...she's an all american white gul, that's why she's all over the news. Even she stated that she was confused as to why all the hoopla is happening...:smh:
You know they are going to make her special though. I have not seen 1 article on tha sista that was with her. Guess she, (along with the others), in tha convoy don't count.
This is America.

Now let the black girl get a DUI or something like that, she'll be all over the news.

Crackers have never and will never give us a break. The sooner we realize this, the better off we'll be.
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
This is America.

Now let the black girl get a DUI or something like that, she'll be all over the news.

Crackers have never and will never give us a break. The sooner we realize this, the better off we'll be.

This is true.
Do yall think she is hero? Or better yet do you think any of the POWs are heros? What is your def. of hero?
Originally posted by jelli
Do yall think she is hero? Or better yet do you think any of the POWs are heros? What is your def. of hero?

My definition of a hero is a person who put their lives on the line to save and help others. That can be a Law Enforcement Officer, Doctor, Fireman, or any Soldier in any branch of the Military. So I'll say she's a hero along with the other POW's. They might not have been fighting on the front lines, but they are feeding and helping take care of our soldiers and so on.
My definition of a hero is someone who does something extrodinary. She was doing her job....Policemen and Fireman do their jobs and their is some amount of risk to their jobs but they are not necessarily heros in my book,