Democrats and Republicans

Media Guy

New Member
We have a strong country here. Everybody can have their own opinions. I will not get into Democrat vs Republican issues because nobodys mind will be changed.

Please do your own research on issues. Don't leave it to your particular party to do this for you. Don't vote for a Democrat just because he/she is a democrat. The same holds true for Republicans. I listen to Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity to get the other side of issues. Everyone has their particular spin on issues. Get both sides and make a proper decision.
Originally posted by Media Guy
We have a strong country here. Everybody can have their own opinions. I will not get into Democrat vs Republican issues because nobodys mind will be changed.

Please do your own research on issues. Don't leave it to your particular party to do this for you. Don't vote for a Democrat just because he/she is a democrat. The same holds true for Republicans. I listen to Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity to get the other side of issues. Everyone has their particular spin on issues. Get both sides and make a proper decision.

Media Guy, I used to go round and around about this with Makaho Bedrock. It was not so much that I would disagree with his takes, I would disagree with the "this is the only way, we are right, you are wrong, end of story" mentality that is so deeply rooted in this country in everything we do. In politics no one party has all the right answers, it's as simple as that. Reps have good ideas and so do Dems. To me, you must judge things on a case-by-case basis and make your decisions. The parties are excellent checks and balances on each other. We can't have too much liberalism and we can't have too much conservatism. It's a great system that has built-in constant competition that forces both sides to "come correct" or get your clock cleaned. (although I get sick of both sides never admitting they are wrong and always spinning everything in their parties best light.)

I couldn't agree with you more and I have said the same thing in previous posts; this has got to be the most fascinating country on earth. What other country on earth can you have such discent, such opposing views and yet the country manages to prosper and thrive as this one does?

I too listen to Neal Bortz(for a few seconds and turn when he gets on Clinton/Hillary tirades), Sean Hannity(I can only take so much of this holier than thow rep groupie schmuck), Micheal Savage(ditto Clinton/Hillary tirades), Micheal Reagan, Rush Limbaugh(can't take much of this fat pig. This has got to be the biggest republican cheerleader of them all. when he starts whining and whining and making excuses for republican gaffs and blaming Bill and Hillary for everything i have to turn) and a host of conservative wanna-be Limbaugh/Savage talk show hacks here in the bay area.

Ironically I can tolerate Micheal Savage the most of them all, except when he keeps harping on Bill and Hillary Clinton,(enough already) because in a strange way, he has some of my traits and passion on issues (except the issues I'm passionate about are not the same as his.) and it's also very interesting to see a white guy that stands up to "usually will out-shout you/will go off on you" irate blacks and black ideas, PCness/predominantly liberal influences and is not intimidated by the usual black blustering and liberal attacks. I would love to see this guy and Jackson/Sharpton/Enfume'/Farrakan etc debate. I'd pay money to see it.

That mug, as I said years ago to some friends, is a modern day "Bull" Connor/white guys from the south,, except he's educated, smart and from New York with a heavy NY accent. If he was from the South running the smack he runs (especially from Alabama or Mississippi) he would have been turned into a national news item and destroyed. He would have been "Newted" or "Lotted" in the media. The white southern man can't get away with running the smack that Savage runs, but much of what he is saying today is exactly what the white southern man (errr, Wallace, "Bull" Connor, Lester Maddox, etc) has been saying for generations, but everybody piled on the southern white man and declared him a biggoted blumbling tobacco chewing, racist, bubba idiot baphoon. Not Savage though. This guy is at the right place at the right time and fills a void in conservatism just like Wallace filled a void during his hey days in the 60s.

Ok, Bartram, stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel. :lol:

But you know, I can't argue with anything you just said.
,, "teh",,

Originally posted by TSU/BAMA
Ok, Bartram, stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel. :lol:

But you know, I can't argue with anything you just said.

sometimes I go off the deep end. :o plus too,, there's no outlet for moderate/centrist views in this country. Like the old saying goes,, the squeaky wheel blah, blah, blah,,, the far right and left are the sqeakiest.

I believe most people are rational centrists somewhere a few clicks right or left of center,, but this is the silent majority! Just had to vent from the silent masses perspective a little. :o
What's the world coming to? I'm cosigning a G-Man!!!!

But you're right. It's beyond me how people (especially black people) can be so passe' about voting when they know what those that came before them had to go through to make that right happen....

I do agree, however, that there hasn't been much to choose from lately. I'd do it again, but I can't believe I voted for Al Friggin Gore....and he almost won!!!!! That might be more unbelievable......

We definitely need a strong candidate in 2004 to run against telling who that mofo will want to go after to get his approval rating up at election time.....
Originally posted by PNeck019
We definitely need a strong candidate in 2004 to run against telling who that mofo will want to go after to get his approval rating up at election time.....

Won't get it from this group of whinners. I don't know who I am going to vote for, but I do know this field is weaker than the one that produced Al "can't win his own state" Gore. Don't like Bush because of his domestic policies. But, under the current world situation, I am Glad Gore did not win. L, by now we would have sh-t burning and blowing up coast to coast if his weak arse was in office. The current list is even worst. L the strongest candidate is J. Leighberman, (?spelling), and that say's it all about the Democratic party. NO CHOICES.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
All I say is vote....I don't give fugg who you vote for...just exercise your rights.

Yep, that's the bottom line, plain and simple.

But you're right. It's beyond me how people (especially black people) can be so passe' about voting when they know what those that came before them had to go through to make that right happen....

yeah,, when you see mugz getting their skullz crack for simply trying to register to vote in the 60s,,,, that alone should motivate you some how.
Media Guy,

I can agree with most of what was posted. However, I stand by MY contention that MANY (notice I didn't say ALL) Republicans/Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the entire nation!

Case in point:

This whole "patriotism" kick that many are on. How in Hell is it now a cardinal sin to criticize the president, when MANY conservatives spent eight years not only criticizing AND demeaning Clinton, but his wife and daughter?

Why is it (according to MANY conservatives,) that one is bringing harm to this nation by expressing his or her opposition to the war? Why can't someone support the troops, and NOT support the war? I don't think you'll find anyone who does not support the troops, but do not support the reason they are over there to begin with.

I heard actress Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman) on Bill Maher's old show on ABC (the one they cancelled because they thought he was CRITICAL of the selected president,) that SHE thought that Laura Bush was "one of the great treasures of this country." She said that in reference to the selected First Lady's initiatives on legislation for children (education, health care, etc.) Now mind you, when Hilary Clinton said these things for eight years, she was called a "yankee b_ _ ch," a "wh_ re," and any manner of other cruel names. I said while watching that, that Dr. Quinn has obviously been in "the medicine woman's" cabinet.

For any of the conservatives on this forum, I have this to ask:

What is it that makes MANY of you think that you are somehow more morally upright, pious and devout than those of other political parties? When did Moses come down off Mt. Sanai and proclaim the Ten Commandments written by Conservatives? I missed the book in The Bible that tells of that great event.

Someone, help me out here!
Originally posted by AAMU Alum
Media Guy,

I can agree with most of what was posted. However, I stand by MY contention that MANY (notice I didn't say ALL) Republicans/Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the entire nation!

Case in point:

This whole "patriotism" kick that many are on. How in Hell is it now a cardinal sin to criticize the president, when MANY conservatives spent eight years not only criticizing AND demeaning Clinton, but his wife and daughter?

Why is it (according to MANY conservatives,) that one is bringing harm to this nation by expressing his or her opposition to the war? Why can't someone support the troops, and NOT support the war? I don't think you'll find anyone who does not support the troops, but do not support the reason they are over there to begin with.

I heard actress Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman) on Bill Maher's old show on ABC (the one they cancelled because they thought he was CRITICAL of the selected president,) that SHE thought that Laura Bush was "one of the great treasures of this country." She said that in reference to the selected First Lady's initiatives on legislation for children (education, health care, etc.) Now mind you, when Hilary Clinton said these things for eight years, she was called a "yankee b_ _ ch," a "wh_ re," and any manner of other cruel names. I said while watching that, that Dr. Quinn has obviously been in "the medicine woman's" cabinet.

For any of the conservatives on this forum, I have this to ask:

What is it that makes MANY of you think that you are somehow more morally upright, pious and devout than those of other political parties? When did Moses come down off Mt. Sanai and proclaim the Ten Commandments written by Conservatives? I missed the book in The Bible that tells of that great event.

Someone, help me out here!

AAMU Alum, I think we have been on opposite sides of issues on this forum, but your points here are well taken.

Generally I wonder the same thing, but my simple answer is it's all extremist conservatives/liberal SOP. Both sides flip-flop depending on who's in office.

The conservatives make a good point when they ask, where was the protestors when Clinton was bombing Bosnia? All this hand ringing by the dems now about deficit spending is laughable. there was nothing of the sort when Clinton was pres.

It's also laughable how the reps won't give the army credit for the military that performed so magnificently in Iraq being a produce of 8 years of Clinton's presidency which is lamblasted for gutting defense and the military. At the same time the reps say G Bush inherited a bad economy from Clinton. This is why I have always contended it's ALL POLITICS. Neither side will yield to the other side, no matter what.

type after me Mfume


M-f-u-m-e. Mfume.

Now you do it.

Mfume, okay got it?

I won't disagree with what anyone has said, other than the fact of IF, Al Gore had been president, we may have gone to war too, we just would've had a concrete reason. And bruh, if stuff was blowing up coast to coast, he be whippin folks some kinda terrible.
Bra, please. If Al Gore weak arse was in office, he would still be at the U.N., sucking France's kneecaps for permission. Frat, you know I don't care about the repub. party, but all this "It's our fault, were are the bullies crap" put out by the demo's got old a long time ago. I'm not buying it.
Originally posted by Bengal E

type after me Mfume


M-f-u-m-e. Mfume.

Now you do it.

Mfume, okay got it? :lmao:

:confused: huh?? OOOOOOOH! you talkin' bout, "Enfume' "?? aaiight,,, "Mfume" then. :D
Originally posted by jstate83
Bra, please. If Al Gore weak arse was in office, he would still be at the U.N., sucking France's kneecaps for permission. Frat, you know I don't care about the repub. party, but all this "It's our fault, were are the bullies crap" put out by the demo's got old a long time ago. I'm not buying it.

And how. Today's dems just don't "do war" well. Kennedy was the last hardnosed democrat and he had to be pushed to the brink of Amagedon before bowing up. I say let the reps handle wars and let the dems handle domestic policy.

Originally posted by jstate83
Bra, please. If Al Gore weak arse was in office, he would still be at the U.N., sucking France's kneecaps for permission. Frat, you know I don't care about the repub. party, but all this "It's our fault, were are the bullies crap" put out by the demo's got old a long time ago. I'm not buying it.

I'll say this much: If Gore had been elected...well...he was, but that's another story. If he were in the White House, we sure as Hell wouldn't have gone to war because "someone tried to kill his diddy." And he most certainly would have maintained a balance of this nation's economic prosperity, with whatever his strategy for war may or may not have been. A lotta d@mn good it does to stick your chests out over in some foreign land where folks are living in brick huts, and people right here in the U. S. are losing their jobs, and can't provide for their families.

When this war starts to wrap up, and Bushy has to deal with his problems right here on his front door, we'll see just how inept he really is at being president. Of course by then, he'll come up with a reason to invade Syria. Gotta keep a war going, so the poll numbers will stay up, you know!
Originally posted by AAMU Alum

I'll say this much: If Gore had been elected...well...he was, but that's another story. If he were in the White House, we sure as Hell wouldn't have gone to war because "someone tried to kill his diddy." And he most certainly would have maintained a balance of this nation's economic prosperity, with whatever his strategy for war may or may not have been. A lotta d@mn good it does to stick your chests out over in some foreign land where folks are living in brick huts, and people right here in the U. S. are losing their jobs, and can't provide for their families.

When this war starts to wrap up, and Bushy has to deal with his problems right here on his front door, we'll see just how inept he really is at being president. Of course by then, he'll come up with a reason to invade Syria. Gotta keep a war going, so the poll numbers will stay up, you know!

First of all, if Al Gore was strong enough to win his OWN STATE OF TENNESSEE, Florida would not have made a difference. His own people rejected him. That's the problem I have with the demo. party. Weak candidates that's big on follow the leader, catch phrase politics, and short on leadership.

As for when the war wraps up, your exactly right. He has to prove himself right here at home. This is where I have no confidence in the repub. party. Trickle-down economics ....:vomit:,..... right into the pockets of the CEO's, CFO's, and all the Vice-Presidents of the company. :shame:
Originally posted by jstate83

First of all, if Al Gore was strong enough to win his OWN STATE OF TENNESSEE, Florida would not have made a difference.

That has nothing to do with this "liberation" of Iraq that the current administration would attempt to lead people to believe was its SOLE purpose for invading that country.

In that same vein, it is also no coincidence that one of the greatest election controversies in the history of this nation just happened to take place in the state where the republican candidate's brother was GOVERNOR! And when the governor has a "concubine" like Katherine Harris to help the cause....well, I think you know where I'm going.

If there is any group that I lost respect for, it's THE SUPREME COURT!
You are right, this has nothing to do with the liberation of Iraq, I mentioned it because you started you comment with "If Gore was elected .. well ... he was ... but that's another story" line.

Demo's need to "get off it". It's over, and while we,(the demo's), are still wasting time talking about a "fixed" election 4 years ago, they need to be talking about a candidate that has a real chance of beating Bush in '04. You could not name 1 candidate from the demo field that has a chance. It's the same old "it's not my fault, I was cheated" catch phrase politic's that will keep the demo's out of office until they offer some real choices --- not the one's that are made from the same "it's not my fault" cloth. Face it, Al Gore was a weak candidate then and the one's the demo's have now are just as weak.
Originally posted by jstate83
You are right, this has nothing to do with the liberation of Iraq, I mentioned it because you started you comment with "If Gore was elected .. well ... he was ... but that's another story" line.

No, YOU first mentioned Al Gore and the U.N.:

See here - Bra, please. If Al Gore weak arse was in office, he would still be at the U.N., sucking France's kneecaps for permission.

As far as "lettin' it go," repubs had a Hell of a time doing that for eight years. That's why I feel that MANY of them are HYPOCRITES!

Now, back to the issue at hand....THIS WAR:

Bushy will push for another conflict, because he knows that without one, his poll numbers will be lower than his IQ. Mind you, if the economy is still in the poor shape it's in this time next year, and leading into the fall campaign, the masses will want Bushy's @ss OUT!

And that issue of whether or not any of the Democratic candidates can carry any influence...if you remember correctly, Clinton was not a household name in '92. The nation simply couldn't take anymore of the "trickle down" theories, while big corporate executives fattened their pockets, and unemployment rose like the thermometer in Alabama in July!

True enough, the Democrats do need to plan a different strategy than the one used in 2000. I guarantee you that the farce that was the 2000 Presidential "Selection" won't happen again! He (the Democratic nominee) won't have to be a household name. Just being an alternative to a intellectual lightweight will be enough!
Originally posted by AAMU Alum

No, YOU first mentioned Al Gore and the U.N.:

See here - Bra, please. If Al Gore weak arse was in office, he would still be at the U.N., sucking France's kneecaps for permission.

As far as "lettin' it go," repubs had a Hell of a time doing that for eight years. That's why I feel that MANY of them are HYPOCRITES!

Now, back to the issue at hand....THIS WAR:

Bushy will push for another conflict, because he knows that without one, his poll numbers will be lower than his IQ. Mind you, if the economy is still in the poor shape it's in this time next year, and leading into the fall campaign, the masses will want Bushy's @ss OUT!

And that issue of whether or not any of the Democratic candidates can carry any influence...if you remember correctly, Clinton was not a household name in '92. The nation simply couldn't take anymore of the "trickle down" theories, while big corporate executives fattened their pockets, and unemployment rose like the thermometer in Alabama in July!

True enough, the Democrats do need to plan a different strategy than the one used in 2000. I guarantee you that the farce that was the 2000 Presidential "Selection" won't happen again! He (the Democratic nominee) won't have to be a household name. Just being an alternative to a intellectual lightweight will be enough!

Bush will not push for another war, he dose not have to. Seria is coorperating, Pakastan and India are talking about getting rid of their nuke's and want to begin talk's on their disputed region of Kasmire,(don't hold me to spelling). North Korea has China's foot in their butt's so they will get off this blackmail game they play every time they need money from the U.S. Iran, Egypt and any other leader in the Middle-east will not risk their power by pissing Bush off now .... Not after they saw what happened to the strongest military force in their region.

As far as Clinton, (voted for his 2 times), winning in '92 without being a household name, it won't work now. This is 2003 my friend, and it's very different now. Heartstring politics and some type of domestic policy would work then, but not now. With the amount of destruction that terriost have shown they can create, any candidate will have to show that they will not hesitate to go after them with whatever it takes to do the job. Candidates with the "It's not my fault" or "It's America's fault" mentatility may as well stay at home. With the way moderate demo's, ---White and Black ----- are backing away from the demo party because of "real" or "preceived" weaknesses, just putting some "egg head, yes man" out front won't get the job done.
Alice in Wonderland in Alabama!

We got a republican governor elected by hard-line republicans, who has come in and in less than a year proposed, AND GOT THROUGH THE LEGISLATURE AND TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE, the largest tax increase/package in the history of the state of Alabama. Further, he's gotten critical support from democrats and dissent from republicans. This is wild! Republican pushing a tax increase, democrats supporting him overwhelmingly,,,, IT'S JUST LIKE ALICE IN WONDERLAND where up is down, right is left and republican is democrat!:spin: :spin: :spin: :lol: